Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1 |
Gas valves permit or prevent the flow of gas using ball, gate, plug, or other mechanisms. Valves are pressure-rated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Valves designated as ‘key’ valves are critical to modeling and analysis. Indicating key valves is a Department of Transportation (DOT) requirement. Key valves may need to be inspected more often.
GasValve inherits characteristics from the abstract class GasDevice. Any model names assigned to this class should be assigned to GasValve as well.
Gas tracing requires the VALVE class model name.
Subtypes: None
Associations: ValveInspection
Model Names: VALVE
ANSIPressureRating: text - Code indicating GasValve design pressure rating; domain values include 7 w.c., 8-10 psig, etc.
BondedIndicator: text - Indicates whether GasValve is bonded; domain values are Yes and No.
ClockwiseToClose: text - Indicates whether the valve is turned clockwise or counterclockwise to close it.
CPSystemStatus: text - Status of associated Cathodic Protection System.
Depth: double - Depth of GasValve.
DepthToNut: double - Depth of the nut on the GasValve.
DimensionTie1: text - Description of east–west line of feature location.
DimensionTie2: text - Description of north–south line of feature location.
EmerIsolationSysObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of Emergency IsolationSystem of GasValve.
EmerIsolationSysStatus: text - Indicates whether or not the valve is a boundary on the emergency isolation system; used by gas trace solvers.
GasPressureSystemObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of GasPressureSystem of GasValve.
GasPressureSystemStatus: text - Indicates whether feature defines a boundary of GasPressureSystem. Gas Tracing uses the GASPRESSURESYSTEMSTATUS model name.
GasSystemObjectID: long integer - ObjectID of GasSystem of GasValve.
GasSystemStatus: text - Indicates whether feature defines a boundary of GasSystem; information used for tracing analysis. Gas Tracing uses the GASSYSTEMSTATUS model name.
GroundLevelIndicator: text - Indicates whether valve is below ground level; domain values include Yes and No
InsulatedIndicator: text - Indicates presence of insulation; domain values include Yes and No. Gas Tracing uses the INSULATEDINDICATOR model name.
LocationDescription: text - Verbal description of location of the gas valve.
Manufacturer: text - Code indicating manufacturer. The AT_MANUFACTURER model name is used on this field to configure abandon for gas.
Material: text - Code indicating material of GasValve; domain values include Cast Iron, Plastic, Steel, and Unknown. ArcFM Structural Analysis uses the MATERIAL model name on this field. The AT_MATERIAL model name is used on this field to configure abandon for gas.
Model: text - Model number specified by manufacturer. The AT_MODEL model name is used on this field to configure abandon for gas.
NormalPosition: long integer - Normal position of GasValve; domain values include Open and Closed. Gas Tracing uses the NORMALPOSITION model name.
OperatingClassification: text - Indicates classification of gas valve; domain values include critical/inspection required, critical/inspection not required, and noncritical. Gas Tracing uses the OPERATINGCLASSIFICATION model name.
Status: text -Code indicating operating status of the gas valve.
TurnsToClose: long integer - Indicates number of rotations required to close the valve.
ValveDiameter: text - Diameter of GasValve. Gas Tracing uses the PIPEDIAMETER model name on this field. The valve Display Name object requires the VALVESIZE model name on this field. The AT_VALVESIZE model name is used on this field to configure abandon for gas.
ValveType: text - Code indicating type of GasValve; domain values include Ball Valve, Gate Valve, Plug Valve, Wafer, etc.
ValveUse: text - Code indicating type of GasValve use; domain values include By-Pass, Isolation, Purge, Relief, etc.