ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Gas pipe casing is a conduit through which a gas pipe may be placed. Casings provide gas pipes with protection from undue stress or abrasion.

Subtypes: None

Associations: GasPipe

Model Names: None


CasingDiameter: long integer - Code indicating size of GasPipeCasing; domain values include 2”, 8”, 30”, etc.

CoatingType: text - Code indicating type of GasPipeCasing coating; domain values include Bare, Coal Tar Enamel, Paint, etc.

Comments: text - User and designer comments.

EndConnection: text - Code indicating type of End Connection; domain values include Boot, Homemade, Link Seals, etc.

FillDate: date - Date GasPipeCasing was filled.

FillType: text - Type of material used for fill; domain values include Dielectric Fluid Filled and Not Filled.

GallonsOfFill: long integer - Quantity of filled used, in gallons.

Hyperlink: text -Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

InServiceDate: date - Date GasPipeCasing was set in service.

InstallationDate: date - Date of installation.

LengthSource: text - Method used to determine length of GasPipeCasing; domain values include FieldMeasurement, Mapping System, and User-Derived.

LocationDescription: text - Verbal description of location of GasPipeCasing.

Material: text - Material of GasPipeCasing.

MeasuredLength: long integer - Length of GasPipeCasing. Gas tracing uses the MEASUREDLENGTH model name on this field.

PropertyUnitCode: text - Value assigned to assets to track and classify Property Records.

ProtectionType: text - Code indicating type of cathodic protection employed; domain values include Anode, None, and Rectified.

Reason: text - Code indicating reason for casing; domain values include Highway, Railroad, and Street.

VentedIndicator: text - Indicates presence of ventilator; domain values are Yes and No.

WorkOrderID: text - Utility-defined identifier of work order.



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