ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Electric Trace Options

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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Administrative Options – Feeder Manager Settings

The only administrative option that affects ArcFM Electric Tracing behavior for all users is the Feeder Manager’s "Use conductor phase designation" setting. This option is found in the Feeder Manager Settings dialog in ArcCatalog.


Ad Hoc Options

The user can manipulate a number of variables that affect the behavior of ArcFM Electric Tracing within the current ArcMap session, without affecting tracing behavior for other users in other sessions (see note). Some of these variables are unique to ArcFM Electric Tracing, others belong to the general set of tools in Esri’s Utility Network Analysis Extension.

Note: The exception is the Enabled field. Modifying this attribute field value will affect the tracing behavior for other users.

ArcFM Electric Trace Options

The following options appear on the Electric Traces tab of the ArcFM Electric Trace Options form (launched by the “Options…” button in the ArcFM Electric Traces toolbar). That tab also appears in the Analysis Options form associated with Esri’s Utility Network Analyst toolbar.

Utility Network Analysis Extension Options

Of the many settings and tools in Esri’s Utility Network Analyst extension, only the following affect ArcFM Electric Tracing.

The option to return only edges, or only junctions, or both in the results is observed by all of the electric trace tasks.



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