ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Electric Location

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

Resource Center Home

Associations: FacilityStructure, UndergroundStructure

Subtypes: None

Model Names: None


Comments: text - User or designer comments.

ConstructionStatus: long integer - This field contains a value from the Construction Status domain that indicates the current status of construction on the structure (e.g., proposed, existing, retired).

Hyperlink: text - Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

ElectricTraceWeight: long integer - Used by Feeder Manager to determine device status and other information that affects circuit connectivity.

FeederID: text - Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.

FeederID2: text - Feeder Manager identifier assigned if device is supplied by second feeder.

FeederInfo: long integer - Feeder Manager-assigned phase information describing the phase of the circuit that supplies a device.

InstallationDate: date - Date of installation of ElectricLocation.

LocationID: text - Utility-assigned identifier of ElectricLocation.

Subtype: long integer - Code indicating subtype.

SymbolRotation: double - Angle of rotation dictating how a feature appears on the map.

WorkOrderID: text - Work order identifier.



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