ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Duct Definition

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The user creates the DuctDefinition object class with fields that describe selected characteristics of a duct, such as size or material.

Subtypes: Duct Bank, Trench. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.

Model Names: DUCT


ActualSize: text - Actual size of the duct. Conduit Manager can use this field (it's not required) to store the actual size of the duct when placing ducts within ducts. It requires that the ACTUALDUCTSIZE model name be assigned.

Availability: text - The Conduit Manager Availability Indicator functionality uses this field to indicate whether a duct is available for conduit placement. It uses the DUCTAVAILABILITY model name on this field.

Comments: text - User or designer comments.

DuctID: text - Stores a unique identifier for a duct. Conduit Manager can be configured to use this field with the DUCTID model name assigned.

DuctSize: text - Size of the duct. Conduit Manager uses this field to provide the ability to place ducts within ducts. Underground Facility Manager also uses this field. It requires that the DUCTSIZE model name be assigned.

Hyperlink: text - Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

Material: text - Indicates the type of material a conduit is made of. Conduit Manager uses this field with the DUCTMATERIAL model name assigned.



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