ArcFM Solution Configuration Guide
Conductor Info

Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1

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The conductors used in distribution are most often made of aluminum or copper. ConductorInfo stores information about material and other properties of the conductors that compose circuits. For a given current, a circuit’s resistance is the average rate at which electrical energy is converted to heat. This object class is associated with linear features but does not itself have a location on the map.

Several ArcFM tools require the CONDUCTORINFO model name on the ConductorInfo table: Conduit Manager, Secondary Circuit Analysis, Abandon Tool, Structural Analysis. These tools either use information in the ConductorInfo table or store data there.

The CONDUCTORINFOANNO model name can be used to determine the method used to display the annotation contents list for a conduit and the associated conductors in Conduit Manager.

Associations: AbandonedElectricLineSegment

Subtypes: Primary Overhead, Primary Underground, Secondary Overhead, Secondary Underground, and Streetlight Conductor. The use of subtypes is optional. The Subtype attribute can be removed if subtypes aren't used in the model.



ConductorMaterial: text - Code indicating material of conductor; domain values include Copper, Aluminum, Steel, etc. Conduit Manager, Structural Analysis, and Secondary Circuit Analysis all use the CONDUCTORMATERIAL model name on this field.

ConductorSize: text - Code indicating size of a conductor; domain values include 1/0, 1000, 2, 2/0, 250, 3/0, etc. Conduit Manager, Structural Analysis, and Secondary Circuit Analysis all use the CONDUCTORSIZE model name on this field.

Hyperlink: text - Used to store a hyperlink path via standard Esri hyperlinking functionality.

InstallationDate: date - Date conductor was installed.

InsulationType: text - Code indicating type of insulation; domain values include BAR, POL, XLP, etc. Secondary Circuit Analysis uses the INSULATIONTYPE model name on this field.

InsulationVoltage: text - Rated voltage.

Manufacturer: text - Conductor manufacturer.

NumberConductorsPerPhase: long integer - Code indicating number of conductors per phase; range domain values are 1 through 6.

PhaseDesignation: long integer - Phase designation of conductor; domain values include A, ABC, etc. Conduit Manager and Structural Analysis uses the PHASEDESIGNATION model name on this field.

ReelNumber: text - Number of cable reel.



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