Version: 10.2.1b and 10.2.1b SP1 |
Appendix > Bitgate Fields |
To support tracing and Feeder Manager, a 32-bit integer field with the model name GASTRACEWEIGHT, WATERTRACEWEIGHT, or MMELECTRICTRACEWEIGHT is required for every feature class belonging to ArcFM gas, water, and electric networks. You can use any field name. ArcFM uses autoupdaters to set each bit depending on the presence or absence of a class or field model name. Each bit has a value of 1 or 0, indicating that it is set or not. ArcFM software reads the combination of the bit settings to determine the behavior of the tracing system. This section describes how ArcFM interprets bit settings of gas, water, and electric network junction and edge features.
Tracing and Feeder Manager also require, in either the gas, water, or electric geometric network, a network weight with the name GasTraceWeight, WaterTraceWeight, or MMElectricTraceWeight, and this weight must be assigned to the fields with model names GASTRACEWEIGHT, WATERTRACEWEIGHT or MMELECTRICTRACEWEIGHT (these model names must be spelled exactly) for each feature class possessing that field. Weights are assigned during the building of the geometric network.
(Note that tracing algorithms in the current product are based on bitgate settings as described in this appendix. ArcFM tracing functions in legacy products used to be based on a value of True or False in the Enabled attribute field. The Set Gas Enabled and the Set Electric Enabled autoupdaters are no longer used for trace tasks, although they are still included to support older functionality.)
Features that participate in gas tracing require a 32-bit integer (precision 10) field with the model name GasTraceWeight. This is required for every feature class belonging to an ArcFM gas network model. You may use any field name but the model name GASTRACEWEIGHT is required.
ArcFM uses autoupdaters to set each bit in this field depending on the presence or absence of the model name. For field model names, ArcFM inspects the value of the field to determine the setting of the bit. For example, the software inspects the field with the NORMALPOSITION field model name on a GasValve for values of Open or Closed and sets the Device Status bit accordingly with a value of 1 or 0. ArcFM then inspects the combination of the bit settings to determine the behavior of the feature in the selected trace task.
Gas tracing functions further require a network weight with the name GasTraceWeight (exact spelling and capitalization), which is associated with the field that has the GASTRACEWEIGHT model name for each feature class that possesses that field.
Features that participate in water tracing require a 32-bit integer (precision 10) field with the model name WATERTRACEWEIGHT. This is required for every feature class belonging to an ArcFM water network model. You may use any field name but the model name WATERTRACEWEIGHT is required.
ArcFM uses autoupdaters to set each bit in this field depending on the presence or absence of the model name. For field model names, ArcFM inspects the value of the field to determine the setting of the bit. For example, the software inspects the field with the NORMALPOSITION field model name on a System Valve for values of Open or Closed and sets the Device Status bit accordingly with a value of 1 or 0. ArcFM then inspects the combination of the bit settings to determine the behavior of the feature in the selected trace task.
Water tracing functions further require a network weight with the name WaterTraceWeight (exact spelling and capitalization), which is associated with the field that has the WATERTRACEWEIGHT model name for each feature class that possesses that field.
To configure features that participate in electric tracing and feeder manager functions, a 32-bit integer (precision 10) field with the model name MMELECTRICTRACEWEIGHT is required. This is required for every feature class belonging to an ArcFM electric network model. You may use any field name.
ArcFM uses autoupdaters to set the bits in this field depending on the presence or absence of the class or field model name. For field model names, ArcFM inspects the value of the field to determine the setting of the bit. For example, the software inspects the field with the NORMALPOSITION_A field model name on a switch for values of Open or Closed and sets one of the three Status bits accordingly with a value of 1 or 0. ArcFM then inspects the combination of the bit settings to determine the behavior of the feature in the selected trace task or Feeder Manager.