Smart Grid Applications Overview > Smart Operations Solution > SOS Configuration Overview > Network Adapter > Network Adapter for Multispeak > Network Adapter - Electric Distribution Data Model Worksheet |
Use this worksheet if your data model is based on the Electric Distribution data model, but with some customization.
Print out this worksheet and use it to map the Electric Distribution features/fields to the features and fields in your data model. Blank rows are provided specifically for this information and will be useful when creating your XSL style sheet and assigning model names.
*Some fields are not included in the Electric Distribution data model, but are required by DMS. Those are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the tables below. You may need to create these fields in your geodatabase.
The Electric Distribution data model does not have a BreakerUnit table. Non-spatial data for breakers is stored in the CircuitSource table.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
BusBar is a large rigid conductor that connects devices in switching facilities to feed power to two or more circuits.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Optional field. Material of neutral wire; domain values may include All, Aluminum Conductor, Copper, etc.
Optional field. Size of neutral wire; domain values may include 1/0 AWG, 1000 Concentric Neutral, etc.
See PFCorrectingEquipment.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Capacitors store electrical energy and release it back into the power system when required to reduce voltage drops.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Code indicating CapacitorUnit size in kVAR; domain values may include 100 kVAR, 150 kVAR, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
A circuit (feeder) is the aggregate of the conductors and equipment downstream of a substation breaker or recloser. CircuitSource stores attributes that describe characteristics of the circuit measured or estimated at the breaker or recloser. These attributes include capacity, measured in kilowatts (kW); resistance, measured in ohms; and load, measured in reactive kilovolt-amperes (kVAR).
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Unique identifier of feeder initiated at this source. This may map to a FeederID field.
Substation identifier.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
The conductors used in distribution are most often made of aluminum or copper. ConductorInfo stores information about material and other properties of the conductors that compose circuits. For a given current, a circuit’s resistance is the average rate at which electrical energy is converted to heat. This object class is associated with linear features but does not itself have a location on the map.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Code indicating material of conductor; domain values may include Copper, Aluminum, Steel, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
Code indicating size of a conductor; domain values may include 1/0, 1000, 2, 2/0, 250, 3/0, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
In addition to opening when a fault is detected, dynamic protective devices also reclose to attempt to reestablish service. If the fault remains after a prescribed number of reclosings, the device may lock open the circuit. Reclosing is designed to reduce or eliminate the effects of temporary faults. Dynamic Protective Device subtypes: Circuit Breaker, Recloser, Sectionalizer, Fault Interrupter. You may find these subtypes modeled as individual classes in a custom data model.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating the subtype of the device.
Note: This field is necessary only if you have a corresponding feature that uses subtypes in your geodatabase. If you do not use a subtype field, then all unit tables must be separate (e.g., BreakerUnit, SectionalizerUnit) rather than a single CircuitSource table.
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating maximum continuous current rating of device in amps, which is the amount of current that can flow through the device indefinitely; domain values may include 100 A, 200 A, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
Code indicating normal position of the device's A phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the device's B phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the device's C phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
ID of SCADA control.
Because this field is configured with a model name (SCADACONTROLID), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Fuses are used to protect distribution devices from damaging currents. A fuse is an intentionally weakened spot in the electric circuit that opens the circuit at a predetermined current that is maintained for a predetermined amount of time. Fuses are not dynamic in that they remain open and do not reclose.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating normal position of the Fuse's A phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the Fuse's B phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the Fuse's C phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about fuses.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Code indicating type of FuseUnit link, in terms of speed; domain values may include KLink, NLink, 200, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
Size of FuseUnit link in amps; domain values may include 1 A, 10 A, 100 A, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
MiscNetworkFeature captures those subtypes that protect distribution network equipment from temporary and permanent faults. Network Adapter only exports features with a subtype value of 2 (FaultIndicator). If you have FaultIndicator modeled as an individual feature class, enter it in the Custom Data Model Table Name field for MiscNetworkFeature.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Code indicating the subtype of the MiscNetworkFeature. Network Adapter exports only features with a subtype of 2 (FaultIndicator).
Direction (upstream/downstream) in which the MiscNetworkFeature is detecting faults. The Direction field is used by DMS and may need to be created in your geodatabase.
Because this field is configured with a model name (FAULTINDICATORDIRECTION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Power distribution is more efficient if operated when the power factor (PF) is unity. PFCorrectingEquipment such as capacitors help maintain the power factor at unity by providing a static source of leading reactive current and can be installed close to the load. Subtypes may include: CapacitorBank, SeriesCapacitor, ShuntReactor. If you have any of these "subtypes" modeled as individual features, enter them in the Maps To field for PFCorrectingEquipment.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Total reactive power of bank in kVAR.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Overhead electric line segments carry electric current and are supported by structures including power poles, H-frames, and towers.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Material of neutral wire; domain values may include All, Aluminum Conductor, Copper, etc.
Size of neutral wire; domain values may include 1/0 AWG, 1000 Concentric Neutral, etc.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Primary URD cables are usually single-conductor, concentric-neutral insulated with polyethylene or cross-linked polyethylene. You may find voltage levels (High, Medium, Low) modeled as individual classes in a custom data model.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Material of neutral wire; domain values may include All, Aluminum Conductor, Copper, etc.
Size of neutral wire; domain values may include 1/0 AWG, 1000 Concentric Neutral, etc.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about reclosers.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about voltage regulators.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
kVA of RegulatorUnit at nominal voltage; domain values may include 10 kVA, 112 kVA, 333 kVA, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about sectionalizers.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
ServicePoint is the point at which the distribution feeder terminates and energy is supplied to a customer. A service point can have one or many meters.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Indicates the type of energy consumption; domain values may include Residential.
Because this field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEXTENSION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Switches are used to disconnect circuits. Switches are installed at strategic locations throughout distribution feeder circuits to redirect power flows to balance loads or for sectionalizing to allow repair of damaged lines or equipment. Switches may act as tie devices, which are set in an open state and energized from two directions at once. Switches can be manually or power operated and can be operated individually or as a group. OpenPoint maps to Switch. Be sure to include OpenPoints in your export to prevent a multitude of loops.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Code indicating maximum continuous current rating of Switch in amps; domain values may include 100 Amps, 200 Amps, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
Code indicating normal position of the Switch's A phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the Switch's B phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
Code indicating normal position of the Switch's C phase; domain values may include Closed, Open, and Not Applicable.
ID of SCADA control.
Because this field is configured with a model name (SCADACONTROLID), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about switches.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
Transformer feature class captures information about distribution and power transformers. Subtypes may include Network, Single Phase Overhead, Single Phase Underground, Two Phase Overhead, Three Phase Overhead, Three Phase Underground, Step, and Power.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating standard level at which system is currently being operated that may vary above or below nominal voltage; domain values may include 120 volts, 480 volts, etc.
Code indicating type of overcurrent protection used at primary side of Transformer; domain values may include Breaker, Bayonet Fuse, Dry Well Canister, None, Oil Immersed, Weak Link.
Because this field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEXTENSION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Configuration of primary side of Transformer; domain values may include SinglePhaseLine-Ground, Open, SinglePhaseLine-Line, Wye.
Because this field is configured with a model name (HIGHSIDECONFIGURATION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Configuration of secondary side of Transformer; domain values may include 3 Wire Delta, 4 Wire Delta, Delta, Single Phase, Wye.
Because this field is configured with a model name (LOWSIDECONFIGURATION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
The voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains the name of the transformer's owner.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains a value for the priority of the transformer.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains the value of the ground resistence of secondary side in ohms.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. Indicates the type of energy consumption; domain values may include Residential.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This table stores non-spatial data about transformers.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
kVA of TransformerUnit at nominal voltage; domain values may include 10 kVA, 112 kVA, 333 kVA, etc.
This field is used to define the default EquipmentID value in case the CatalogID field is not populated. If the CatalogID field has a value, this field is not necessary.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. The CatalogID field is a unique ID used by DMS to identify equipment.
Because the CatalogID field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEQUIPMENT), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Electric Distribution Table Name
Custom Data Model Table Name
This device compensates for voltage drop along electric lines.
Electric Distribution Field Name
Custom Data Model Field Name
Feeder Manager identifier assigned to feeders and devices that participate in a specific distribution circuit.
Code indicating standard level at which system is currently being operated that may vary above or below nominal voltage; domain values may include 120 volts, 480 volts, etc.
Code indicating type of overcurrent protection used at primary side of Transformer; domain values may include Breaker, Bayonet Fuse, Dry Well Canister, None, Oil Immersed, Weak Link.
Because this field is configured with a model name (MULTISPEAKEXTENSION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Code indicating phases present; domain values may include A, AB, AC, etc.
Configuration of primary side of Transformer; domain values may include SinglePhaseLine-Ground, Open, SinglePhaseLine-Line, Wye.
Because this field is configured with a model name (HIGHSIDECONFIGURATION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
Configuration of secondary side of Transformer; domain values may include 3 Wire Delta, 4 Wire Delta, Delta, Single Phase, Wye.
Because this field is configured with a model name (LOWSIDECONFIGURATION), it will never need to be transformed using a style sheet.
The voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains the name of the transformer's owner.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains a value for the priority of the transformer.
Supported, but not required. This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is supported by DMS. It contains the value of the ground resistence of secondary side in ohms.
This field is not part of the Electric Distribution data model, but it is required by DMS. Indicates the type of energy consumption; domain values may include Residential.