Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Using Esri's Flex Viewer

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The following optional configuration example below demonstrates how to utilize Esri's Flex application when using Map Viewer instead of pointing to an ArcFM Server.

  1. Open the web.config file. Web.config is installed in: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder\Web.config.
  2. In Web.config, look for the <Configuration> tag within the <Map.Service> section.
  3. Set the Layers Extent to coordinate to default extent of your map service. The numbers correspond to: MINIMUMXCOORDINATE (Left), MINIMUMYCOORDINATE (Bottom), MAXIMUMXCOORDINATE (Right), MAXIMUMYCOORDINATE (Top).
  4. Replace the <Layers> section within <map.Service> with the following:
    Copy Code
    <Layers Extent="-14378400, 6912221, -7549077, 2471480">
         <!--Mapservices that display in the map control-->
         <!--<Layer MapServiceName="Electric" Url="http://WebServerName/ArcGIS/rest/services/MapServiceName/MapServer" Visible="True" Type="ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer" />-->
         <layer label="Streets" Visible="true" MapServiceName="Streets"
                      Url="" Type="ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer"/>
         <layer label="Aerial"  Visible="true" MapServiceName="Aero"
                  Url="" Type="ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer"/>
         <layer label="Topo"    Visible="true" MapServiceName="Topo"
                  Url="" Type="ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer"/>
  5. To disable layers, comment them out using the <!--  --> tag, or delete them. You can also set the initial Visible value to False, and users can view the layer by using the Toggle Layers tool.
    The order the layers appear in this section affect how they are viewed in Map Viewer. The first layer listed is the bottom-most layer, and all other layers build over it. None of these layers are transparent and cannot be viewed simultaneously.
  6. Save and close Web.config. Refresh Map Viewer to view changes.



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