Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Turn Off Probable State

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The Probable state provides an incident status that falls between Unconfirmed and Confirmed. How an incident with a Probable status is treated during a roll-up depends on how the upstream incident is created. If the Prediction Engine makes a prediction and a Probable incident is downstream, the Probable incident is treated in the same manner as a Confirmed incident. It is not rolled into the upstream incident.

If you do not want to use the Probable state, it may be turned off. First you will set the polling frequency and elevation time values to zero. This prevents Prediction from assigning a Probable state. Lastly, you will need to remove the Probable option from the field in the user interface.

  1. Open Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config. This file is installed here: Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following tag:
    Copy Code
    <PredictionThresholdInfo probableStatePollingFrequency="00:01:00">
  3. Change the probableStatePollingfrequency value to 00:00:00.
  4. Look for the following tag:
    Copy Code
            <ThresholdInfo mode="default" bothThresholdsMustPass="false" predictOnConfirmedIncidents="false" probableStateCandidateElevationTime="00:20:00">
  5. You may have multiple ThressoholdInfo tags (one for each possible mode). Be sure to change the probableStateCandidateElevationTime for each mode. Set this value to 00:00:00.
  6. Save and close Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config.
  7. Next you will need to remove the Probable option from the domain. Open DatabaseSchemaConfig.xml. This file is installed here: Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  8. Look for the following block of XML:
    Copy Code
           <Domain Name="CONFIRMED_STATE" xsi:type="CodedDomainConfig" DataType="Int32">
                    <DomainPair Value="0" Description="Unconfirmed"/>
                    <DomainPair Value="1" Description="Confirmed"/>
                    <DomainPair Value="2" Description="Probable"/>
  9. Delete or comment out the line for the Probable state.
    Copy Code
         <Domain Name="CONFIRMED_STATE" xsi:type="CodedDomainConfig" DataType="Int32">
                    <DomainPair Value="0" Description="Unconfirmed"/>
                    <DomainPair Value="1" Description="Confirmed"/>
                    <!==<DomainPair Value="2" Description="Probable"/>==>
  10. Save and close DatabaseSchemaConfig.xml.



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