Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Troubleshooting: Unable to start Responder Explorer on SQL Server

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Problem: The following error occurs when the user attempts to open Responder Explorer.


Fix: In DataServices.exe.config and PredictionServices.exe.config, the Connection Data information requires a value for the Initial Catalog attribute. In the example below, the SQL Server database is called "rx".

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<configuration name="gistest">
  <multicast group="" port="6679" ttl="2" />
    <connectionString>Data Source=gistest;Initial Catalog=rx;User ID=responder;Password=responder</connectionString>
    <providerFactoryClass type="Miner.Data.Access.ProviderFactories.SqlProviderFactory, Miner.Data.Access" />
    <syntaxClass type="Miner.Data.Access.SqlDataSyntax, Miner.Data.Access" />



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