Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Symbolize AMI Events

Resource Center Home

You can configure your map to display incoming AMI events before they are processed by Responder's Prediction services. Add the AmiEvents layer to the map to display these meter events.

  1. In ArcMap, open the stored display to show meter events.
  2. Click the Add Data  button. This layer may be added to the AMI_cached group layer if you chose to create it.
  3. Select the AmiEvents layer in the geodatabase. This may reside in a different geodatabase.
  4. On the Display tab, right click the AmiEvents layer and select Properties. Choose the Symbology tab.
  5. Expand Categories in the Show field on the left side of the screen and select Unique Values.
  6. In the Value Field pull-down menu, select Status.
  7. Click the Add Values button.
  8. Add the values to symbolize. These values are from the Message_Status domain. Enter the numerical values for those statuses to symbolize.

    Value Description
    0 Unknown
    1 Power Down
    2 Power Up
    3 Partial Power
    4 Communication Down
    5 Communication Up
    6 Remote Disconnect
    7 Remote Reconnect

  9. In the window, highlight the values to symbolize and click OK.
  10. Default symbology is assigned to each status. You can double-click the symbology next to the status and edit it.
  11. Once you've finished editing symbology, click OK to save changes and close the Layer Properties window.
  12. If you're adding the layer to an existing stored display, remember to resave the stored display to include the new layer.




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