Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Restart Services via Notify Network Change Button

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This optional configuration allows you to restart Responder services after an Esri replication without experiencing any downtime for these services. You can modify the Notify Network Change button to restart services in a staggered manner to refresh the network without client applications having to be down for any period of time.

  1. Browse to and open the Responder Windows Server config file (Miner.Responder.WindowsServer.exe.config) at this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server\. You can edit the file by opening it in an XML application (such as XML Spy) or by opening it in a simple text editing program (such as Notepad).
  2. Insert the following code in the <appSettings> section, if not already added:
    Copy Code
    <add key="StaggeredRestart.Enabled" value="true" />
    <add key="StaggeredRestart.MulticastAddress" value="" />
  3. Set the StaggeredRestart.MulticastAddress value to the IP and Port of your Data Services Configuration.
  4. Save and close the config file. Restart services.



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