Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Responder Line Display

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Responder allows you to symbolize de-energized or differently energized (backfed or multifed) feeders on the map as a result of an incident or switching order. This functionality is not required, but to use it you will need to create the RxLineDisplay class, which is used to display these lines. Use the instructions below to create this class and assign the appropriate model names.

The RxLineDisplay class must have permissions that allow users to write data to it.

When creating the new feature class it must have the same coordinate system as the Electric dataset. You may want to look up this coordinate system before starting to create the feature class. You can right-click the data set and select Properties, then click the XY Coordinate System tab to retrieve this information.

For Oracle users: When installing the Oracle Client, ensure the Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server component name is selected. Existing Oracle users, modify your Oracle client installation to include this component. This component is required for the Line Display Service to run correctly, even for local installations.

  1. Login to the geodatabase using the same login user entered for the geodatabase in the Data Services configuration file (Line 15 on the Data Services Configuration File page).
  2. New Implementation: Create a non-versioned feature class with a type of Line Features. You can name this feature class anyway you'd like. In this example, we'll call it RxLineDisplay. Because it's non-versioned, this feature class cannot be created within a versioned data set. Create it outside of a data set or within a non-versioned data set.

    Upgrade: The RxLineDisplay feature class may already exist. Make changes based on the instructions below.

    The RxLineDisplay feature class must use the same coordinates system as the Electric dataset. If it does not, you will experience errors. The error may look something like this one:

    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040215): Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040215 at Esri.ArcGIS.Geometry.PolylineClass.Union(IGeometry other)

  3. New Implementation: When you are prompted to add fields, add the following fields. You may add more, but those listed below are required. You may name them any way you'd like.
    • RxFeederID: Text data type
    • RxPhase: Text data type
    • RxFCID: Long Integer data type (Optional: To display the Feature Class name instead of the FCID add a domain and assign it to this field.)
    • RxOID: Long Integer data type
    • RxSUBID: Long Integer data type
    • RxX: Double data type
    • RxY: Double data type
    • CONDUCTORFCID: Long Integer data type (Optional: To display the Feature Class name instead of the FCID add a domain and assign it to this field.)

    Upgrade: Ensure the fields above are added and delete the following fields, if they exist in the feature class:

    • RxIncidentId: Long integer data type
    • RxDeviceId: Long integer data type

    If you are upgrading Responder, you will need to add the RXLINEDISPLAY model name to the Responder Object Class Model Names domain. Add the RXFEEDERID, RXPHASE, RXRESPONSIBLEDEVICEFCID, RXRESPONSIBLEDEVICEOID, RXRESPONSIBLEDEVICESUBID, RXRESPONSIBLEDEVICEX, RXRESPONSIBLEDEVICEY, and RXCONDUCTORFCID model names to the Responder Field Model Name domain. If you are implementing Responder for the first time, these model names were added in a previous step.

  4. Use the ArcFM Properties Manager to assign the RXLINEDISPLAY model name to the RxLineDisplay feature class you just created. Assign the following field model names on this class (model names in all caps):
    • RxFeederID: RXFEEDERID
    • RxPhase: RXPHASE
  5. Click OK to close the ArcFM Properties Manager and save changes.
  6. From Windows Services, reset Data Services

By default, this functionality is turned off in the Data Services configuration file. Before Responder Line Display can be symbolized in the map, you must follow the steps below to enable the functionality.

  1. Open Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config. By default, this file is installed in: \Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server\.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML:         
    <add key="ResponderLineDisplay" value="false" />
  3. Change the value to True.

    Upgrade: If you have already enabled Line Display, this is automatically set to True.

  4. Save and close Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config.
  5. To view Responder Line Display on the map, add the RxLineDisplay layer to your Responder_Cached group in ArcMap. You can modify the symbology on the Display tab.

Optional: There is an optional class level model name to exclude specified conductor/line feature classes from having any line display drawn. To use this functionality, add RXEXCLUDEFROMLINEDISPLAY to the Responder Object Class model name domain. Then, assign this model name to any conductor/line feature class to exclude them from Line Display. Feature classes excluded from Line Display will not store or display Line Display information for future use.

Please note that ArcMap allows you to change the stored display per feature class to set the view at any scale. So, to include the Line Display when zoomed in, but not at a higher elevation, change the stored display.

Note: The RX_INC_DEV_LINEDISPLAY_VIEW allows you to view the status of a Line Display for each incident device, since Line Display is now being processed by a service after incidents are being created in Responder.

You can update the stored display to show STATUS and symbolize the 0, 1, and 3 values. An example of possible values include:

0 - Line Display in Awaiting Processing

1 - Line Display in Process

3 - Line Display is Finished Processing (This will be the status most often displayed.)

Optional: You can configure the Responder Phase Swap line display label that appears in ArcMap through the Miner.Responder.LineDisplayService.config file. By default, this file is installed in: \Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server\.

  1. In the config file, locate <add key="LineDisplayPhaseSwapString" value="{0} To {1}" />
  2. You can change the value to represent phase swap as desired. Use {0} to represent the energized line doing the phase swap, and {1} as the de-energized line. Here are some examples:
    • value="Energizing from {0} to {1}"
    • value="{1} Receiving from {0}"
    • value="Phase swap on {1} from the Energized {0} line"
  3. Save and close the config file. You may need to restart services for this change to take effect.


You can determine how Responder Line Displays appear on the map. This section discusses an example of how you might set up this symbology. Responder recognizes four types of lines: normal state, de-energized, differently energized, and Responder phase swap. De-energized means the line is getting no electricity and the RxFeederID field will always be Null to indicate this. Differently energized means the line is being fed in some way that's not usual (e.g., backfed or multifed). Responder Phase Swap indicates the line is being backfed with a different phase than the phase on the line. The RxFeederID field will contain the value of the feeder providing electricity to the line. You can create separate layers in ArcMap to display the Responder Line Display symbology for each of these types of lines.

Creating the De-energized Line Display Layer

  1. Add the RxLineDisplay layer to the Responder_Cached group in your map.
  2. Right-click RxLineDisplay and select Properties.
  3. Select the Symbology tab.
  4. Under the Categories header in the Show field, select Unique values.
  5. In the Value Field, select RXFEEDERID (using the field that is assigned the RXFEEDERID model name).
  6. Click Add Values.

  7. In the Add Values window, select <Null> and click OK. This leaves you with two values in the main window of the Symbology properties: <all other values> and <Null>.
    • <all other values>: This symbology indicates all features that have a value in the RxFeederID field. The RxFeederID value indicates a feeder that is supplying electricity to the line, making it differently energized. Clear this checkbox if you plan on creating layers for Abnormal feed or Multi-feed.
    • <Null>: This symbology indicates all features that have a value of Null in the RxFeederID field. This Null value indicates that the feeder is not being fed and is de-energized.
  8. On the Symbology tab, double-click the line symbols to modify the color and size used to display them in the map.
  9. Click OK to save changes in the Layer Properties.

Creating the Abnormal Line Display Layer

This is optional. Abnormal is needed as a separate layer only if you require specific labeling or display needs that cannot be done using one layer with de-energized and abnormal lines. See the Creating the De-energized Line Display Layer section above to create one layer with both de-energized and abnormal lines.
  1. Add the RxLineDisplay layer to the Responder_Cached group in your map.
  2. Right-click RxLineDisplay and select Properties.
  3. Select the Symbology tab.
  4. Type Abnormal in the Label appearing next to the symbol in the Table of Contents field.
  5. Click the line symbol to modify the color and size used to display it on the map.
  6. Select the Definition Query tab.
  7. Enter the following in the Definition Query field: RXFEEDERID not like ('%,%') or RXFEEDERID is not null (using the field that is assigned the RXFEEDERID model name).
  8. Click OK to save changes in the Layer Properties.

Creating the Multifeed Line Display Layer

  1. Add the RxLineDisplay layer to the Responder_Cached group in your map.
  2. Right-click RxLineDisplay and select Properties.
  3. Select the Symbology tab.
  4. Type Multifeed in the Label appearing next to the symbol in the Table of Contents field.

  5. Click the line symbol to modify the color and size used to display it on the map.
  6. Select the Definition Query tab.
  7. Enter the following in the Definition Query field: RXFEEDERID like ('%,%') (using the field that is assigned the RXFEEDERID model name).
  8. Click OK to save changes in the Layer Properties.

Creating the Responder Phase Swap Line Display Layer

  1. Add the RxLineDisplay layer to the Responder_Cached group in your map.
  2. Right-click RxLineDisplay and select Properties.
  3. Select the Symbology tab.
  4. Type Phase Swap in the Label appearing next to the symbol in the Table of Contents field.

  5. Click the line symbol to modify the color and size used to display it on the map.
  6. Select the Definition Query tab.
  7. Enter the following in the Definition Query field: RXPHASE LIKE '%To%' (using the field that is assigned the RXPHASE model name).
  8. On the Labels tab, select RXPHASE for the Label field.
  9. Click OK to save changes in the Layer Properties.
    Move the Responder Phase Swap layer above the other LineDisplay symbols to appear correctly as the top-most layer of displayed lines in ArcMap.



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