Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Require Removal of All Tags

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By default, a user can restore or cancel a device in a switching order even if all tags have not been removed (e.g., tag for future repairs). You can modify this behavior and require all tags be removed before the device can be restored or cancelled and the switching order closed. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Responder server, browse to ExplorerRulesConfig.xml. By default this file is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Open ExplorerRulesConfig.xml. ExplorerRulesConfig.xml can be edited using any XML or text editor. However, DO NOT use WordPad. It has been known to corrupt XML.
  3. Locate the following XML:
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    <RulePackage Key="TagDeleteInitialization" Caption="">
      <b:RuleClasses Key="">
        <!--<b:RuleClass Key="InitializeTagForDelete" Type="Miner.Responder.Explorer.InitializationRules.InitializeTagForDelete,Miner.Responder.Explorer" />-->
        <b:RuleClass Key="DataRowRule" Type="Miner.Data.Access.DataRowRule,Miner.Data.Access"/>
  1. Remove the comment marks from the InitializeTagForDelete key. So it looks like this:
Copy Code
    <RulePackage Key="TagDeleteInitialization" Caption="">
      <b:RuleClasses Key="">
        <b:RuleClass Key="InitializeTagForDelete" Type="Miner.Responder.Explorer.InitializationRules.InitializeTagForDelete,Miner.Responder.Explorer" />
        <b:RuleClass Key="DataRowRule" Type="Miner.Data.Access.DataRowRule,Miner.Data.Access"/>
  1. Save and close ExplorerRulesConfig.xml.




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