Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Remove Default Wildcard

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When users enter search information to locate a customer record on the Customer Call page, the fields automatically use a wildcard to perform the search. For example, if a client service representative enters "Good" in the Last Name field. The results will return all customers who have a last name beginning with "good", including Good, Goodwin, Goodbar, etc.

You can remove this default wildcard from most of the fields on the Customer Call page. Without the wildcard, the example search for "Good" would return only customers with the last name of "Good" and no others.

To remove this default wildcard, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the Web.config file. This file is installed here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder.
  2. Look for the following XML.
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        <add key="customerData.fieldsToNotUseWildcards" value=""/>
  3. In the Value field, enter a list of the table names that correspond to the fields that should NOT use the default wildcard. The table below lists the table names that correspond to the fields. Note that the default wildcard for the Phone and Account fields cannot be removed. For example:
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        <add key="customerData.fieldsToNotUseWildcards" value="FirstName, LastName, Street"/> 
  4. Save and close Web.config.

Users may still use wildcards in all of the fields on the Customer Call page. However, if you remove the default wildcard, the user will have to enter the wildcard manually.


Customer Call Field Table Name
Phone Wildcard cannot be removed from this field
Last Name Lastname
First Name Firstname
Address Street
City City
State State
Zip Postal_code
Account Wildcard cannot be removed from this field




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