Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Set Up Without ArcGIS for Server

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Responder's web browser makes use of ArcFM Server to display maps in the Map Viewer section. If you do not have an ArcFM Server instance set up, you may perform the following configuration to use the Responder web browser without it.

Only the first two steps are required.

  1. Open the web.config file. Web.config is installed in: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder\Web.config.
  2. All steps are optional. They remove tools from the UI that cannot be used without having an ArcFM Server instance installed and configured.
  3. Remove the Map icon available on the Customer Call screen when a customer has been located. This icon appears next to the customer's address. Clicking it displays a map and that customer's location.
  4. In Web.config, look for the <appSettings> tag. This section contains a number of <add key> tags. The one you're looking for is close to the bottom (</appSettings>). Scroll down to this tag:
    <add key="customerInput.showMapIcon" value="true"/>
  5. Change the value attribute from "true" to "false". This removes that map icon from the Customer Service page.
  6. Save and close Web.config.
  7. Next you will remove the Map Viewer section from the web browser user interface. Open Web.sitemap. This file is installed in: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder\Web.sitemap.
  8. Look for the following tag:
    <siteMapNode url="~\Authorized\Viewer\Silverlight.aspx" title="$resources:Sitemap,MapViewerTitle" description="$resources:Sitemap,MapViewerDescription" >
  9. Comment it out:
    <siteMapNode url="~\Authorized\Viewer\Silverlight.aspx" title="$resources:Sitemap,MapViewerTitle" description="$resources:Sitemap,MapViewerDescription" >
  10. Save and close Web.sitemap.




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