Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Hide Urgent Call

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When a customer record is displayed on the Customer Call screen in the web browser, you can check the Urgent Call check box to mark the call as Urgent. To prevent dispatchers from marking calls as Urgent, you can configure Responder to not display this check box.

By default the Urgent Call check box appears on the Customer Call form and the Location Call form. You can configure the Web.config file to hide this check box on both forms.

  1. Open the Web.config file. This file is installed here: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Responder.
  2. Look for the following line of XML:       

    <add key="customerInput.showUrgentCheckBox" value="true" />

  3. Modify the value to false to hide the check box on the Customer Call and Location Call forms.
  4. Save and close Web.config.



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