Smart Grid Applications Overview > Smart Operations Solution > SOS Configuration Overview > Network Adapter > Network Adapter for Multispeak > Optional Configurations > Network Adapter - Exception Management |
During export, Network Adapter validates some aspects of the data and reports any invalid features. You can control how Network Adapter reacts to specific errors. You can have Network Adapter report the data error and continue, ignore the error, or terminate the export. By default, all data errors are reported and Network Adapter continues the export. Follow the steps below to modify the functionality.
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<add name="VoltageDoesNotMatchSourceException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.VoltageDoesNotMatchSourceException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="TransformerVoltageInvalidException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.TransformerVoltageInvalidException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Error"/>
<add name="EdgePhasesExceedSourceException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.EdgePhasesExceedSourceException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="JunctionPhasesDontMatchEdgeException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.JunctionPhasesDontMatchEdgeException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="FromJunctionNotFoundException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.FromJunctionNotFoundException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Error"/>
<add name="EdgePhasesNothingInCommonException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.EdgePhasesNothingInCommonException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="EdgeCorruptLineException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.EdgeCorruptLineException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="EdgeMissingToJunctionException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Serialization.EdgeMissingToJunctionException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Error"/>
<add name="EdgeMissingFromJunctionException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Serialization.EdgeMissingFromJunctionException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="EdgeMissingLineException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Serialization.EdgeMissingLineException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
<add name="JunctionCorruptPointException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.JunctionCorruptPointException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Error"/>
<add name="JunctionNotTracedException" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.JunctionNotTracedException, Miner.Geodatabase,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" Severity="Warning"/>
Voltage Errors
- VoltageDoesNotMatchSourceException: An edge's Operating Voltage is not the same as its upstream feature, and it is not immediately downstream of a transformer. Operating Voltage can only change at transformers. Voltage was incorrectly assigned to this feature or its upstream feature, or a transformer is missing.
- TransformerVoltageInvalidException: To be valid, a transformer's Operating Voltage must match its upstream conductor, and its low-side voltage must match its downstream conductors.
Phase Errors
- EdgePhasesExceedSourceException: An edge's phasing exceeds that of its upstream feature. For example, this edge has a phase designation of AB and its upstream feature has A.
- JunctionPhasesDontMatchEdgeException: A junction feature's phase designation does not match the connected edge(s). For example, the junction's phase designation was ABC and the edge's was A.
- FromJunctionNotFoundException: The FromJunction was missing for this edge while tracing the feeder for phase consistency.
- EdgePhasesNothingInCommonException: An edge has no phases in common with its upstream feature. For example, this edge has a phase designation of AB and the upstream feature has C.
- PhaseFieldDifferentThanOperationalPhasesException: A discrepancy exists between Phase Designation field (i.e., field that has the PhaseDesignation model name assigned) and the operational phasing as interpreted by Feeder Manager. This may happen if phasing on a feature has been manually updated without initializing trace weights.
- RelatedPhasesExceedOperationalPhasesException: A discrepancy exists between the phasing on the feature and the phasing on its related objects.
Network Corruption Errors
- EdgeCorruptLineException: An edge feature's line geometry could not be retrieved.
- JunctionCorruptPointException: A junction feature's point geometry could not be retrieved.
- JunctionNotTracedException: The From or To junction of an edge was not found in the trace results. Most likely this is the result of a phase incompatibility between the junction and the edge. For example, the Edge has a phase designation of A and the junction has a phase designation of B.
Missing Geometry Errors
- EdgeMissingToJunctionException: An edge was missing its To junction.
- EdgeMissingFromJunctionException: An edge was missing its From junction.
- EdgeMissingLineException: An edge was missing its geometry.