Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Edit Application Pool

Resource Center Home

The Responder Web installer creates the AMI application pool. You will need to set the account that should be used to run the AMI services assigned to this application pool. Typically this will be the Responder Services user. Follow the steps outlined below to edit the AMI application pool.

  1. Open Computer Management and expand Services and Applications. Select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. In the Connections column, expand the local machine name and select Application Pools.
  3. In the Application Pools column, right-click AMI and select Advanced Settings.
  4. Scroll down to the Process Model section and select the Identity field. By default, this will be set to NetworkService. However, it should be set to the user to run the AMI services.
  5. Select the Custom Account radio button and click Set.
  6. Enter the domain/user name and password for the user to run the AMI services. Confirm the password and click OK.

  1. Click OK on the Application Pool Identity screen.
  2. Click OK on the Advanced Settings screen.

Note that the AMI application pool is created with the Enable 32-Bit Applications value set to True. If you choose to manually create this application pool, this setting must be set to True.




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