Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Network Adapter - Provide Support for Extended Feeder Manager

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To export features from a network that uses Extended Feeder Manager (EFM), you will need to do the configuration described on this page. This allows you to export from an EFM network and import into DMS using Network Adapter.

The exported XML will include all features on the feeder that are not connected to the Substation as well as all features within the Substation that are connected to features outside the Substation. Features that reside inside the Substation, but not connected to anything outside (e.g., Busbars), are NOT included in the XML. DMS will not import any features that reside inside the substation and don't connect to anything outside the substation.

The following configurations are required:

Once you have completed the above configurations, follow the steps below to support EFM in your Network Adapter export to DMS.

  1. In ArcCatalog you will need to create the Substation feature class. This class does not participate in the geometric network and can be either a feature class or table. If it's a feature class, it must have a shape of point. The Substation object must have a SubstationID field with a data type of Text.
  2. Right-click the Substation feature class and select ArcFM Properties Manager.
  3. On the Model Names tab, assign the SUBSTATION and RELATEDSUBSTATION model names. Click Apply.

    These model names may need to be added to a domain before they can be assigned.

  4. On the Field Model Names tab select the SubstationID field and assign the SUBSTATIONID field model name. Click OK to save changes and close the ArcFM Properties Manager.
  5. Determine which features may have relationships with the Substation. Any feature that can reside inside the Substation requires a relationship (e.g., Busbar, Transformer, Switch, DynamicProtectiveDevice, Fuse). Create a relationship for each of these features. The relationships should be one-to-many with the Substation as the origin.

    Next, you'll need to update the NetworkAdapter.exe.config file. By default, it's installed here: Program Files (x86)\ArcFM Solution\Bin.

  6. Open NetworkAdapter.exe.config and look for the following XML:
    Copy Code
         <ModelNames FeatureIDFieldModelName="FACILITYID">
                            <add name="MULTISPEAKCLASS"/>
  7. Add the SUBSTATION model name to the ClassModelNames section. Like this:
    Copy Code
       <ModelNames FeatureIDFieldModelName="FACILITYID">
                            <add name="MULTISPEAKCLASS"/>
                            <add name="SUBSTATION"/>
  8. Next, add the highlighted XML to the ModelNames section as shown below.
    Copy Code
    <ModelNames FeatureIDFieldModelName="FACILITYID"> <ClassModelNames> <add name="MULTISPEAKCLASS"/> <add name="SUBSTATION"/> </ClassModelNames> <ReverseRelationshipModelNames> <add name="RELATEDSUBSTATION"/> </ReverseRelationshipModelNames>
  9. Save and close NetworkAdapter.exe.config.

    The next steps are optional and necessary only if your substations may have multiple input bays (ports). If your substations may have multiple input bays, you must create a Bay field on each feature class that can act as a connection point to the substation. This field requires the BAYID field model name.

  10. Optional. Right-click the geodatabase and select Properties. On the Domains tab, select the Electric Field Model Name domain and add the BAYID field model name to the Coded Values field.
  11. Optional. Determine which feature classes may act as connection points within your substations (e.g., Transformer, Switch, DynamicProtectiveDevice, Fuse). On each of these classes, create a field called Bay with a data type of Text.
  12. Optional. Right-click each connection point class (determined in the previous step) and select the ArcFM Properties Manager. On the Field Model Name tab, select the Bay field and assign the BAYID field model name.
  13. Optional. Click OK on the ArcFM Properties Manager.




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