Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Disable Jumper Warning for No Upstream Feature

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When a jumper energizes a normally de-energized area, a warning message appears when you attempt to remove the jumper:

Jumper can not be removed as this will cause an outage, and there is no responsible device to own the loadpoints. Only jumper/incident cancellation is allowed in this case.

If you disable the warning, you can remove the jumper, but when power is taken away, no loadpoints will be created. The area will return to being normally de-energized, with no loadpoints. You can disable this warning by doing the following:

  1. Configure the Responder Data Services configuration file (Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config) for any server machine that accesses Responder. This file is located in the Miner and Miner\Responder\Server folder. You may edit the file by opening it in an XML application (such as XML Spy) or by opening it in a simple text editing program (such as Notepad).

    Do not edit XML files using a word processing program such as WordPad or Microsoft Word as it may corrupt your configuration file.

  2. On the server machine, browse to and open Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config.
  3. Add the following key to the <appSettings> section:

    Copy Code
    <add key="ThrowErrorNoUpstreamDevice" value="false" />
  4. After adding this new key, this functionality can be turned off/on by switching the value of this key to true/false.
  5. Save and close Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config. You may need to restart services to see this change.



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