Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Network Adapter - Disable Support for De-Energized Features

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By default, Network Adapter assigns a FeederID to any de-energized feature it encounters while tracing. It uses the FeederID from the feeder that was traced before arriving at the de-energized feature. Network Adapter does not support exporting isolated features or islands.

In these optional steps, you'll disable logic that assigns FeederIDs to de-energized features. Disable this rule ONLY to remove support for exporting de-energized features. To remove this functionality, set the IncludeDeenergized value to false in NetworkAdapter.exe.config. This value is case-sensitive and must be as follows: "false".

   <add name="Electric Trace" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.TraceFeeders, Miner.Geodatabase, 
        Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" IncludeDeenergized="false"/>



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