Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Create Symbology

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Once you have created the Responder layers, you can assign specific symbology. In the example below, specific symbology has been assigned to various types of incident devices.

Creating symbology differs slightly for features with several types of symbology (e.g., Incident Devices). The first section below walks you through how to set the symbology for layers that have only one type of symbology (e.g., Single Premise Incident).

The Responder symbology is stored in a file called (in ArcGIS\Styles). If you modify this file be sure to rename it. If you do not rename it, future installs will over-write it and your changes will be lost.


Single Symbol

In the sample data, the following layers have only one symbol: Calls, Hazards, Non-electric Features, Single Premise Incidents, Loadpoints (at both scales).

  1. Right-click the feature layer and select Properties.
  2. Select the Symbology tab.
  3. In the Show window (at the left), expand the Features node and select Single Symbol.
  4. Click the Symbol button to display the Symbol Selector.
  5. Click the More Symbols button and select Responder from the list. This accesses the Responder symbology provided with the installation.
  6. Choose Responder from the Category menu to display the symbology.
  7. Select the symbology to display for the feature layer selected in step 1 and click OK.
  8. Click OK on the Layer Properties window.


Multiple Symbols

In the sample data, the following layers have multiple symbols: Tags and Grounds, Incident Devices, Cut Wire Incidents, and Crews (electric and non-electric).

  1. Right-click the feature layer and select Properties.
  2. Select the Symbology tab.
  3. Expand the Categories section in the Show field. Select Unique Values, many fields.
  4. Select the appropriate Value Fields from the pulldown menus. These values set the fields in the tables that are used to determine which symbology is displayed. For example, Incident Devices are symbolized differently based on whether they're faults or switches, critical or not critical, normal or abnormal (device status).

    This table provides the Value Fields used by the sample data feature layers.

    Feature Layer

    Value Fields

    Tags and Grounds


    Incident Devices

    Device_Operation, Critical, State

    Cut Wire Incident

    Critical, State

    Crew: Electric Incident

    Status, Multiple_YN, Is_Lead_Crew

    Crew: Non-Electric Incident

    Status, Multiple_YN, Is_Lead_Crew

  5. Next you will need to set up the value combinations that you'd like symbolized on the map. This means creating a Value entry for each possible combination of values that may occur for the Value Fields. First, determine these combinations. The combinations used by the sample data feature layers are displayed in the table below. The label for the value is shown in parentheses.

    Note: The value combinations listed below correspond with the Value Fields in the table above.

    Feature Layer

    Value Combinations

    Tags and Grounds

    0 (tag)
    1 (ground)

    Incident Devices

    0, 0, abnormal (fault, non-critical, abnormal)
    0, 1, abnormal (fault, critical, abnormal)
    1, 0, abnormal (switch op, non-critical, abnormal)
    1, 1, abnormal (switch op, critical, abnormal)
    0, 0, normal (fault, non-critical, normal)
    0, 1, normal (fault, critical, normal)
    1, 0, normal (switch op, non-critical, normal)
    1, 1, normal (switch op, critical, normal)

    Cut Wire Incident

    0, abnormal (non-critical, abnormal)
    1, abnormal (critical, abnormal)
    0, normal (non-critical, normal)
    1, normal (critical, normal)

    Crew: Electric Incident

    4, 1, 1 (multiple crews, complete
    4, 0, 1 (single crew, complete)
    3, 1, 1 (multiple crews, working)
    3, 0, 1 (single crew, working)
    2, 1, 1 (multiple crews, dispatched)
    2, 0, 1 (single crew, dispatched)
    1, 1, 1 (multiple crews, assigned)
    1, 0, 1 (single crew, assigned)

    Crew: Non-Electric Incident

    4, 1, 1 (multiple crews, complete
    4, 0, 1 (single crew, complete)
    3, 1, 1 (multiple crews, working)
    3, 0, 1 (single crew, working)
    2, 1, 1 (multiple crews, dispatched)
    2, 0, 1 (single crew, dispatched)
    1, 1, 1 (multiple crews, assigned)
    1, 0, 1 (single crew, assigned)

  6. Once you have determined the value combinations, you will need to add them to the value window on the Layer Properties window. Click the Add Values button.
  7. Enter a value combination in the New Value field and click Add to List. Do this for each combination for the feature layer. Click OK when finished to add the values to the Layer Properties window.
  8. For each value combination, you will need to select the symbology you'd like displayed on the map. Click the Symbol button to display the Symbol Selector.
  9. Click the More Symbols button and select Responder from the list. This accesses the Responder symbology provided with the installation.
  10. Choose Responder from the Category menu to display the symbology.
  11. Select the symbology to display for the value combination selected and click OK.
  12. Click OK on the Layer Properties window.



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