Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
OASyS - Configure Responder Query Services

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Next, you will need to modify the Query Services configuration file. Running Query Services is highly recommended to optimize Responder performance.

  1. Browse to and open Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following line of XML:
    Copy Code
          <setting name="SmartgridEnabled" serializeAs="String">
  3. Set the value to "True". By default this value is set to False.
  4. The next step determines whether you use GlobalIDs or FCID/OID/Phase (FOP) to communicate feature information between the applications in SOS (e.g., Responder, DMS, OASyS). Look for the following XML:
    Copy Code
          <setting name="UseGlobalIds" serializeAs="String">>
  5. Set the value to True to use GlobalIDs. Set the value to False to use FCID/OID/Phase. The default value in this field is False. This value must match the same UseGlobalIDs value set in Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config.

    If you are using Network Adapter to export to DMS, then the GlobalIDs setting in NetworkAdapter.exe.config MUST match the setting in Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config and Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config.

  6. Save and close Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config.




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