Using Fiber Manager
Flexible Patch Panel Connection Report

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A patch panel connection report is a graphical display of the layout of a patch panel or a series of patch panels. This topic describes the patch panel connection report generated by Fiber Manager when a flexible data model is being used.

After clicking the Patch Panel Connection Report button and using the flag cursor to select the patch location (steps covered in the Patch Panel Report topic), follow the steps below.

  1. The Select report item window will appear.
  2.  Select the item for which you want a report, then click Select.
  3. A report in XML format will appear in your Web browser with a format similar to the following example.

    The report displays the name of any associated patch panels or device racks in the upper right corner. Connection and circuit information are displayed for each port. When the cursor hovers over a location on the rack, the location is highlighted.

    In the following example, the 12th St. Center patch panel card contains 24 ports. According to the report, we can see that port number 2 is connected to a switch. From the report, we can also see that it is not associated with a circuit.

    If the report looks different than the image below, please go to the Classic Patch Panel Report topic.




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