ArcFM Engine Configuration Guide
Workflow Manager Database Set Up - SQL

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The following scripts are provided to create the Process Framework and Workflow Manager schema on a SQL Server instance:

Database Set Up:

The tables required by the Process Framework engine can be placed on the same SQL instance that provides the SDE Geodatabase. The tables (created by the SQL scripts) must exist under a user named "PROCESS." Note that if the database has already been set up to run Session Manager, then you may skip steps 1-4.

  1. Optional. Create a new database on your SQL Server instance to house the Process Framework database. An existing database can be used, but it might be easier to manage (backups, disk storage, etc.) if you create a new database dedicated to the Process Framework tables.
  2. Create the PROCESS user in the SQL Server instance. Remember that it is mandatory the user name is "PROCESS." Grant this user access to the database discussed in step 1.
  3. Open the SQL Server Query Analyzer window, connecting to the database discussed in step 1 as the new PROCESS user.
  4. Run the CreatePXTables_MSSQL script. This script will create the tables required by the Process Framework engine.
  5. Run the CreateWFMTables_MSSQL script. This will create the tables required by Workflow Manager.
  6. Run AddWFMData_MSSQL script. This will populate the Workflow Manager tables with the data they require.
  7. As a DBA user in SQL Server, create a role called "WMS_USER." This can either be done in a Query Analyzer window or the Enterprise Manager. This role will be used to assign the appropriate table privileges to users of Workflow Manager. The name of this role is not mandatory; however, if you use a different name for this role you will have to alter the SQL script in the next step. The following SQL syntax will create a role in SQL Server:
                 sp_addrole WMS_USER;
  8. With the Query Analyzer, connect to the database as the PROCESS user and Run the GrantWFMRole_MSSQL script. This script grants the appropriate table privileges to the "WMS_USER" role. Again, if you changed the role name as discussed in step 8, you’ll need to alter this script to use the name you chose.
  9. Grant the various existing SQL Server users access to the database discussed in step 1. Since the number of users involved in this step is probably equal to the number of users that access SDE, you’ll probably want to make a script to perform this task.
  10. Add the various existing SQL Server users to the "WMS_USER" role. Since the number of users involved in this step is probably equal to the number of users that access SDE, you’ll probably want to write a script to perform this task.

Workflow Manager Administration

Add each user involved in step 9 above to the Process Framework with the "Users" tab in the Process Framework Administration Tool. After you have imported the work flow (see Add Work Flow, below), you can also use "Users" tab to assign the Workflow Manager user roles to each user.


Add Work Flow

The following steps allow you to export the work flow from the sample database provided with the ArcFM Solution installation and import that work flow into your own Process Framework database. Once imported, this work flow can be modified to meet your specific business needs.

  1. To add a work flow, use the Import/Export tab in the Process Framework Administration tool and the sample Workflow Manager database (WorkflowManager.mdb) provided with the ArcFM Solution install.
  2. Login to WorkflowManager.mdb as "Process".
  3. Select the Import/Export tab.
  4. Select the Export radio button and select the Process Framework Workflow Importer/Exporter checkbox.
  5. Designate an XML file name to which the workflow will be exported.
  6. Click Export and select the MMWorkflowManager extension.
  7. Close the Process Framework Admin tool when the export is complete.
  8. Login to your Workflow Manager database as "Process".
  9. Select the Import/Export tab.
  10. Select the Import radio button and browse to the XML file you just exported from the sample data.
  11. Click Import.

For more information about the Process Framework Administation Tool and the Import/Export tab, see the Using ArcFM Solution online help and the Process Framework Administration section.



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