ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide

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Tasks allow users to divide actions performed by a tool (such as Submit) into subtasks and execute these subtasks as a group. For example, the Submit tool changes the node's state to Pending Approval and changes ownership of the node to an Approval Officer. Tasks divide the Submit tool into two subtasks (change state and change owner). You may then use these subtasks in conjunction with other subtasks to create a task that best accommodates your business process.

Each node type can have a set of tasks (which are made up of subtasks) associated with it. Only tasks associated with a node type can be invoked for a node of that type. If the same task is applicable to more than one node type, each node type must have a separate task defined and associated with it.

The Tasks window appears at the bottom of the Node Types tab. Click Properties to modify an existing task or Add to create a new one. This will open the Task Properties window.

  1. Enter a task name and description.
  2. Check the Visible in Task Tool checkbox if you want the task to be shown in your Process Framework extension (such as Session Manager). If this checkbox is selected, the user has the necessary role to perform the tasks, and all of its criteria to be enabled are satisfied, the task will appear in the Task Tool. Uncheck this field if you wish to hide a task.
  3. Use the bottom window the add subtasks to your task. The up/down arrow buttons allow you to arrange the subtasks in the order you want them to execute.
  4. If you select a subtask that contains parameters, you can designate the parameter values. In the example below, the Change Owner By Role subtask contains a Roles parameter. The subtask will return a list of users filtered by the parameter value entered in the Parameter Values field. The sample parameter below uses the Role field (on the Roles tab). When configuring the task, the user may enter a value to determine who the list of users is filtered. For information about custom subtasks, refer to the ArcFM Solution Developer Help, Customize Process Framework section.
  5. Select a transition or a task role. If you select a transition, that transition and the roles assigned to it will be used. If you do not select a transition, you may apply user roles using the task roles field.
  6. Click OK to save the task.
  7. On the Node Types tab, the Order button allows you to determine the order in which the tasks appear on the Task tool in your extension.

If you create a new task while ArcMap or the standalone version of Session Manager (or Workflow Manager) is open, you will need to close ArcMap (Session Manager or Workflow Manager) and reopen it before the new task appears in the user interface.

Renaming Tasks: You can rename existing tasks (i.e., those provided with the product). However, renamed tasks MUST be localized. In many cases buttons and subtasks may refer to tasks by name. If you do not localize a renamed task, any buttons or subtasks that reference it will fail. Refer to the Process Framework Tasks Localization page on the ArcFM Solution Resource Center.


You can create custom subtasks. For more information, refer to the Subtasks page in the Desktop Customization Guide section of the ArcFM Solution Resource Center, Customize Process Framework section. The Set Up Process Framework section of the Configuration Guide contains complete lists and descriptions of all subtasks provided with Process Framework, Session Manager, and Workflow Manager. These lists are also available on the Resource Center: Process Framework Subtasks, Session Manager Subtasks, and Workflow Manager Subtasks.




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