ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Feeder Manager Step 11: Assign Autoupdaters

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This step requires that you assign autoupdaters to your feature classes. Autoupdaters are assigned using the Object Info tab of the ArcFM Properties Manager. If the Before Feature Split, On Feature Split, and After Feature Split fields are not visible on the Object Info tab, you are most likely working with Esri objects. Use the ArcFM Solution Object Converter to convert to ArcFM Objects. These fields will then be available.

When a Feeder Manager autoupdater is about to update a large number of features, a confirmation screen may warn the user. This functionality may be set and modified using the Feeder Manager Settings dialog.

This step may not be completed without first completing the Basic ArcFM Configuration. If you haven't yet done this, some necessary autoupdaters will not be available.

You may notice that some feature classes have the ArcFM Delete Feeder Object autoupdater assigned and others don't. This is because these classes may affect circuit continuity and can impact the FeederID and energized phases of remaining features when they are deleted.

Autoupdaters and related unit records: Note that autoupdaters that are meant to keep attribute values synchronized between a feature and its related unit records (such as a fuse and fuse unit) must always be assigned in pairs, such that all editing possibilities are covered. While one autoupdater must be assigned to the OnUpdate event for the feature class (or else for the unit object class, if the desired propagation direction is from unit to feature), a second autoupdater must be assigned to the OnRelationshipCreated and OnRelationshipDeleted events on the relationship class that joins the features to their units.

All Feature Classes in the Geometric Network

Assign the following autoupdaters to every feature class that participates in the geometric network. Many classes have autoupdaters that will replace these. However, every feature class in the network should have autoupdaters assigned to the On Feature Create and On Feature Update events.

Extended Feeder Manager: If you're configuring Extended Feeder Manager, do not assign the ArcFM Create Feeder Object and ArcFM Update Feeder Object autoupdaters on features you want to act as subsources. 



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Before Feature Split


On Feature Split

ArcFM Split Feeder Object

After Feature Split


Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network, and they should be assigned to all edge features in the electric network.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
3. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
3. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Conductor (primary and secondary)



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object or ArcFM Update UG Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM OH (or UG) - Delete Feeder Conductor/Units

Before Feature Split

ArcFM Save Related Objects (Optional. This AU is available only if a relationship exists)

On Feature Split

ArcFM Split Feeder Object

After Feature Split

ArcFM Restore Related Objects (Optional. This AU is available only if a relationship exists)

Assign the following autoupdater to secondary conductor classes if you want secondary conductors downstream of a transformer to inherit the transformer's LowSideVoltage value. If the LowSideVoltage value doesn't exist (and the functionality is configured) or the AU is assigned to the primary conductor, then the downstream secondary conductors inherit the OperatingVoltage value from the transformer. This autoupdater fires on the On Feature Update event only when the shape of the line is modified.

On Feature Create

ArcFM Inherit Operating Voltage

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
3. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
3. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Delivery Point



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use delivery points as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use fuses as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use generators as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Misc Network Feature



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object


Network Junction



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object


Open Point



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use open points as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


PF Correcting Equipment



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object


Primary Meter



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use primary meters as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Protective Device (Dynamic Protective Devices and Fuses)



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use protective devices as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Service Point



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use switches as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update





On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object

On Feature Delete

ArcFM Delete Feeder Object

Assign the following autoupdater if you want secondary conductors downstream of a transformer to inherit the transformer's LowSideVoltage value. If this value doesn't exist (and the functionality is configured), the downstream secondary conductors inherit the OperatingVoltage value from the transformer.

On Feature Create

ArcFM Inherit Operating Voltage

Optional: The following autoupdaters are required only if you have a multi-tiered network and you want to use transformers as subsources.

On Feature Create

Remove the ArcFM Create Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Create

On Feature Update

Remove the ArcFM Update Feeder Object AU and assign these:
1. ArcFM Generic Electric Trace Weight
2. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Relator
3. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Name
4. ArcFM Feeder SubSource Level
5. ArcFM Internal FeederID Update


Voltage Regulator



On Feature Create

ArcFM Create Feeder Object

On Feature Update

ArcFM Update Feeder Object


Circuit Source Relationship Class

The Circuit Source relationship class must be configured after the feature classes mentioned on this page. If you attempt to configure this relationship class before the feature classes, the ArcFM Relate Feeder Object autoupdater will not be available.



On Relationship Created

ArcFM Relate Feeder Object

On Relationship Deleted

ArcFM Relate Feeder Object



Assign the following autoupdater ONLY if you are using a multi-tiered network and Extended Feeder Manager.

CircuitSourceID Object Class



On Feature Update

ArcFM Internal FeederID Update




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