ArcFM Desktop > ArcFM > Feeder Manager > Which Feeder Manager should I use? > Configure Feeder Manager 1.0 > Upgrade to Extended Feeder Manager > EFM: Create CircuitSourceID Table |
Extended Feeder Manager uses the CircuitSourceID table to store SubSource and UltimateSource information for your multi-tiered network.
Before creating the CircuitSourceID table, determine whether you want to use Object IDs (ObjectID/ParentCircuitSourceID fields) or Global IDs (GlobalID/ParentCircuitSourceGUID fields).
Object IDs: Use the ObjectID and ParentCircuitSourceID fields. Both of these may be created manually. ObjectID has the data type Object ID, and ParentCircuitSourceID has the data type of long integer.
Global IDs: Alternatively, you can use global IDs. If you have a good reason to globalize your network features, e.g., you are running replication, then follow this approach. The GlobalID field has a data type of Global ID and may not be created manually. To create this field, right-click the CircuitSourceID table after it has been created and select Add Global IDs. This creates the field. If you have a GlobalID field (with a data type of Global ID), then you must have a ParentCircuitSourceGUID field with a data type of GUID.
Choose either one pair or the other. Do not create all four fields and do not mix and match the field combinations.
Data Type
Add either the set of GlobalID and ParentCircuitSourceGUID or the set of ObjectID and ParentCircuitSourceID, but not both sets. If both sets are added the feature will not work with Feeder Manager.
(use only with ParentCircuitSourceGUID)
This field is created when you run the Add Global IDs tool in ArcCatalog. It cannot be created manually. Right-click the CircuitSourceID table and select Add Global IDs.
Global ID
Reset After Create = Yes
Visible = Yes
Editable = NoParentCircuitSourceGUID
(Use Only with GlobalID)
No domain
Default value = null
Reset After Create = Yes
Visible = Yes
Editable = NoObjectID
(Use only with ParentCircuitSourceID)
Object ID
(Use only with ObjectID)Long integer
No domain
Data type = 32-bit integer
Default value = null
Reset After Create = Yes
Visible = Yes
Editable = NoFeederLevel
Long integer
text (length=48)
text (length=48)
Long integer
No domain
This field is required ONLY for Responder and Network Adapter/DMS implementations.This field is not maintained automatically.