ArcFM Desktop Configuration Guide
Water Tracing Step 9: Configure Cathodic Protection Systems

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You can use ArcFM Solution to model your cathodic protection systems. Each cathodic protection system defines an electrically protected network of gas or water features. A single CP system contains a network of features with unbroken electrical conductivity.

The core of ArcFM's CP model is a special line type feature class that does not itself belong to the gas or water network, but which contains features derived from the gas or water network via tracing. Each feature in this class represents a single cathodic protection system and so possesses, within a single feature, the combined shape of the electrically continuous network features that compose the system. Use the corresponding ArcFM tool to view and analyze the contents of the CP system feature class with a view to the overall mission of cathodic protection, and to keep the contents of the feature class consistent with the underlying gas network features when they undergo editing.

To configure this functionality in ArcFM, you must create the CP table and assign an autoupdater

Create Cathodic Protection Systems Table

To configure CP systems, you must create and populate its feature class table in ArcCatalog. The Create Cathodic Protection Systems tool creates a new feature class and assigns it the name you provide. In the Minerville sample data, the table is named CPSystems. The tool also assigns to this table the CPSYSTEM object class model name. It then traces your existing gas or water network to build the table of your CP systems:

  1. During its analysis of your gas network, ArcFM uses the CPPIPE object class model name to populate the CP system table (which is named CPSystems in the sample data). Assign this object class model name to all edge feature classes in your gas or water dataset whose features can act as discrete CP systems, or be combined with other edge feature classes belonging to a single CP system. The CPPIPE model name indicates to ArcFM which edges should be included in CP system length calculations. This model name is typically assigned to, at least, the feature class which models the distribution mains in your gas or water network. In this fashion you can choose whether, for example, to include service pipes in your CP system. The following example describes this process using the sample data:
    1. Right-click the distribution main feature class in your gas or water geometric network and select ArcFM Properties Manager.
    2. Click the Model Names tab.
    3. From the Model Name Domain menu, select the Gas Object Class Model Name (or Water Object Class Model Name) domain.
    4. Double click the CPPIPE model name in the Available pane.
    5. Click OK.
  2. In the same fashion as the previous step, ensure that the edge feature classes you want to belong to your CP systems are also assigned the GASNETWORKEDGE or WATERNETWORKEDGE class model name. Additionally, be sure the feature classes representing anodes, rectifiers, and test points have the following fields and associated field model names assigned, which are required in order for data to display properly in the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap:

    CPAnode (or wCPAnode)

    CPRectifier (or wCPRectifier)

    CPTestPoint (or wCPTestPoint)










  3. Open the gas or water dataset and locate your Gas Geometric Network or Water Geometric Network. In the Minerville sample data, the gas geometric network is called GasGeomNetwork and the water geometric network is called WaterGeomNetwork. 
  4. Right-click the geometric network and select Create Cathodic Protection Systems:
  5. Name the new table. Use the Feature type menu to select the type of objects your database uses. If your geodatabase already contains Global IDs, check Create GlobalID field. Click OK. 
    • If you model multiple CP networks (e.g., you have both a gas and water CP network) make sure you give this table a unique name. Even when your CP system tables reside in different datasets, they must have different names.
    • This tool runs in the foreground. You cannot use other ArcCatalog functionality while this tool runs.
    • This tool may require many hours to complete. The greater the size and complexity of your gas or water network, the longer it takes.
    • It's possible for the geometric network to regard certain features as connected, but also for those features to be missing from their corresponding tables. If this data condition exists, you will receive an error message similar to the following:
      Further, you cannot manually create such CP systems later. To fix the problem, use Esri's Repair Connectivity tool on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar in ArcMap. Schneider Electric recommends that you then delete and recreate the CP system table.
  6. ArcFM creates and populates the new table within the gas or water dataset. If you have CP systems for both gas and water networks, you will need a second CP systems table for the other network. 
    If your gas or water dataset is already registered as versioned, you must reregister your that dataset as versioned, which will also register the table you just created. Right-click the dataset and select Register As Versioned:
  7. Schneider Electric strongly recommends that you use the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap to inspect and manually refine your CP systems shortly after their initial creation. Delete CP systems that appear to be incorrect—especially very large or very small CP systems. By doing so, you can reduce the chance of users experiencing poor performance.
When calculating System Length, the Cathodic Protection System tool in ArcMap uses either shape length or, if assigned, the field to which the MEASUREDLENGTH field model name is assigned.

Set database permissions

If you use an SDE geodatabase, you must set database permissions accordingly in order for users to make changes to data affecting the CP System table.

If you do not grant the appropriate permissions, users will receive errors if the CP System layer is in their map when they start editing.

Assign the Detect CP Continuity Change Autoupdater

The CP Continuity Change Autoupdater is a sentinel that can help you to know when the shape or other details of a CP system have been rendered out of date by editing activity on its underlying gas or water network features. The autoupdater monitors edit events on gas or water network features to detect changes affecting the continuity or attributes of CP systems. When it detects such changes, it sets the RefreshNeeded field of the corresponding CP system feature to a non-zero value. This makes it easy to identify CP systems that require updating; systems with a non-zero RefreshNeeded value are marked by an icon in the All Systems view of the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap (called Not Current in the tool's status filter).

This autoupdater may occasionally generate a false positive and assign the RefreshNeeded status (called Not Current in the Cathodic Protection Systems tool) to a CP system for which there is no difference between data displayed in the Cathodic Protection Systems tool and data in the gas or water network.

Assign this AU to the OnCreate, OnUpdate, and OnDelete events in the Object Info tab of all edge and junction feature classes that participate in your cathodic protection system. This may include distribution mains, service lines, anodes, rectifiers, etc.:

  1. In ArcCatalog, right-click the feature class participating in your cathodic protection system and select ArcFM Properties Manager.
  2. Click the Object Info tab.
  3. For the feature properties OnCreate, OnUpdate, and OnDelete, use the menu to select ArcFM Detect CP Continuity Change.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat this process for every feature participating in your CP system (e.g., anodes, rectifiers, etc.).

Consider adding the CP Systems table to any stored display containing features to which the CP Continuity Change autoupdater is assigned to the OnUpdate event, and to which other autoupdaters are also assigned. Doing so increases the performance of those features. Schneider Electric recommends doing so regardless of whether cathodic protection tools are used in those stored displays.

Set Map Unit Labels

By default, the Cathodic Protection Systems tool in ArcMap displays the "ft" label, regardless of your map units. To change this label to display your actual map units, you must change a resource file:

  1. Navigate to the following installation directory: ...\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\ArcFM Solution\Resources\Miner.FrameworkUI.
  2. Open Miner.FrameworkUI.Properties.Resources.resx in an editing application such as Notepad++. You may need to run the editing application as administrator in Windows in order to modify the file.
  3. Search that resource file for the "AbbreviatedMeasuredUnits" string name.
  4. Change the value of that string from "ft" to that of your map units. Save the file.
  5. Change the name of Miner.FrameworkUI.Properties.Resources.resx to include the CultureCode that corresponds to your language. For example, rename it as Miner.FrameworkUI.Properties.Resources.en-US.resx.
For more information about working with resource (.resx) files, consult the .NET Localization help topic on the ArcFM Resource Center.



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