ArcFM Desktop > Designer > Add Work Location Automatically |
You may add Work Locations (WL) individually or you may decide to automatically place WLs concurrently as you place certain CUs or features. CUs are not automatically assigned to the WL, so you will need to assign them.
The ArcFM Place Work Location autoupdater uses the snapping tolerance set in the Snapping Options in ArcMap. On the Editor toolbar, select Editor > Snapping > Options and set the snapping tolerance. This snapping tolerance value influences the distance used to offset the WL from the feature. |
When creating template favorites, you should not add CUs after Work Location features. Instead assign the Work Location autoupdater to the favorite. |
If a design is open, a Work Location will be automatically created along with the CU. If no design is open, the WL will not be automatically created.