Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Update Trace Weights

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

The next step in preparing your data for use with Responder is to update the trace weight fields on all load points using the Initialize Electric Trace Weights tool in ArcCatalog.

The purpose of initializing trace weights is so trace weights are updated for classes and fields with the FDRMGRLOADPOINT model name assigned. If you assigned this model name during Feeder Manager configuration and executed the Initialize Electric Trace Weights tool earlier, then you do not need to initialize trace weights again. If you assigned FDRMGRLOADPOINT (or modified its assignment) during your Responder configuration, you must re-initialize electric trace weights.

Refer to the Configuring ArcFM Solution online documentation for information about the Initialize Electric Trace Weights tool.

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