Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Update Population Information

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

The Update Population Information tool ensures that reliability reports and customer information remain accurate. This tool can be run in three different ways: In ArcMap, as a stand-alone executable and from a command prompt. The command prompt version of this tool can be run as a scheduled job.


If you plan to use the Update Population Information tool in ArcMap, you do not need to perform this configuration. This is necessary only to use the stand-alone or command line tools.

  1. Browse to and open UpdatePopulationInformation.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: C:\Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following XML:
Copy Code
              <channel ref="msmq" ComputerName="ServerName" />
  1. Set the ComputerName attribute to the name of the server that hosts the Responder Server.
  2. Save and close UpdatePopulationInformation.exe.config.



Select the Update Population Information  button to display the Update Population Information dialog. You may need to add this tool to a toolbar using the Customize menu. Select an option and click Start. During processing, the Start button becomes a Cancel button. You may cancel at any time. Options are discussed below.


Stand-alone Executable

Browse to UpdatePopulationInformation.exe and double-click it. By default, this executable is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.

In the Update Population Information window, enter a number to select an option. Options are discussed in the Options section below. You will be prompted when the update is finished. Press any key to close the command prompt window.


Command Line

You may also run this tool from a command prompt. First browse to the install location (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server). Enter UpdatePopulationInformation.exe and press Enter. This displays the update options. Enter the number that corresponds to the update option to execute. For example:

You will be prompted when the update is finished. Press any key to close the executable, but keep the command prompt window open.

Alternately, you can specify an option when initially executing the tool. For example:

If you choose this method, you can enter any one of the three options using the following syntax:

These options are defined in the Options section below.


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