Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Telemetry Service Configuration

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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Configuration of this service is not required, but it can be useful in gathering stastical information on the processing of Responder data. Follow the steps below to configure the Telemetry Service.

The Telemetry Service may reside on any server, but it does require installation (though not execution) of Responder Server. The Responder business services (e.g., Data Services, Prediction Services, etc.) do NOT need to be running on the same machine as the Telemetry Service, although they can be.

If you are using SQLite, you can skip to Step 7. If running SQLite, you can optionally change the location that this information is written to by updating Step 5.

SQLServer is not currently supported and SQLServer users should use SQLite (embedded database) for this functionality.

Prior to configuration, an Oracle administrator should run the Telemetry implementation script. After running all other implementation scripts here, execute the Telemetry.sql script on the Responder schema by entering "@" followed by a path to the script (an example follows) and pressing Enter. This script creates the database tables required by Responder. SQLite users do not need to do this step prior to configuring Telemetry services.

@ C:\Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Developer Resources\Implementation Scripts\Oracle\Addons\Telemetry.sql

  1. Open Miner.Responder.TelemetryService.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML:
    Copy Code
      <add key="TelemetryService.ConnectionName" value="telemetry"/>
      <add key="TelemetryService.RotateSQLiteStorageOnStartup" value="true"/> 
      <add key="TelemetryService.BatchMaxSize" value="2048"/>
      <add key="TelemetryService.BatchMaxTime" value="00:00:10"/>
      <add key="TelemetryService.BatchMaxThreads" value="3"/>
      <add key="TelemetryService.Exclude" value=""/>
      <add key="TelemetryService.PurgeThreshold" value=""/>
      <add name="telemetry" providerName="System.Data.SQLite" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\telemetry.db;BinaryGuid=False"/>
      <add name="orce.optimus" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" connectionString="Data Source=orce.Optimus;User ID=responder93r2;Password=responder93r2"/>
      <add name="orcg.vader" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" connectionString="Data Source=orcg.vader;User ID=responder93r2;Password=responder93r2"/>
  3. In the <appSettings> section:
    SQLite Users: Leave the TelemetryService.ConnectionName value as telemetry.
    Oracle Users: Assign a unique name in the ConnectionName field. This value cannot contain a dash (-) character.
  4. In the connectionStrings section, create an <add...> tag for the connection created in the previous step. The Name value should match exactly. SQLite users may skip this step.
  5. Use the connectionString attribute to enter the connection information:
    SQLite Users: The location for the telemetry.db file.
    • |DataDirectory| (set as default): This variable maps to %PUBLIC% for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 operating systems. For all other operating systems, it maps to %ALLUSERSPROFILE%.
    • Enviroment Variable: Replace |DataDirectory| with any defined environment variable, such as %APPDATA%.
    • Full Path: Replace |DataDirectory| with any fully defined path, such as C:\.
    Oracle Users: Set the correct database and the User ID and Password should be that of a user who has read/write access to the database. The providerName value should be System.Data.SQLite for SQLite instances and System.Data.OracleClient for Oracle instances.
  6. Save and close Miner.Responder.TelemetryServices.exe.config. The remainder of the XML file does not need to be modified for basic configuration.
  7. In each of the Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config, Miner.Responder.ArchiveServices.exe.config, Miner.Responder.PredictionServices.exe.config, and Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config files, find and edit the following XML:
    Copy Code
        <add key="TelemetryService.Address" value="localhost:36745" />
        <add key="TelemetryService.Enabled" value="false" />
  8. Change the Address value of localhost to the server location for the database.
  9. Change the Enabled value to true.
  10. If desired, in TelemetryServices.exe.config, you can enter values that should not be included in Telemetry results, in the Exclude attribute. Entering a value act as a "Starts with". For example, any value that begins with Database will be excluded with the example above. Multiple values may be separated with a comma, semicolon, or other separator. This setting can be added into the appSetting section of the config files of Step 7, as desired. 
  11. After configuring, start the Telemetry Service. See Starting Services.
  12. To query the database, SQLite users may run a SQLite tool, which can currently be downloaded from SQLite here. Oracle users can create a query to connect to the database information as needed by company standards.

Optional Configuration

SQLite Users Only: The <add key="TelemetryService.RotateSQLiteStorageOnStartup" value="false"/> appends the Telemetry.db file each time Telemetry runs and is not renamed. If this value is set to true, you then generate a new Telemetry.db file each time Telemetry runs. The previous file is renamed with a date and time stamp in the same database location.

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