Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Tag Synchronization

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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SOS leverages its integration with OASyS to provide tag synchronization. When a tag is created in OASyS, it is also displayed in the Tags window of Responder Explorer. To enable this functionality, perform the following configuration.

  1. Browse to and open Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following XML:
    Copy Code
        <add key="host" value="OASyS server name" />
        <add key="display" value="COMMON" />
        <add key="DalAlias" value="COMMON" />
        <add key="DalType" value="BLT" />
        <add key="DalFolder" value="es\remote" />
        <add key="User" value="dnaUser" />
        <add key="Password" value="dnaUser" />
        <add key="host" value="OASyS server name"/>
        <add key="DalAlias" value="COMMON"/>
        <add key="DalType" value="PUBSUB"/>
        <add key="DalFolder" value="es\remote" />
        <add key="User" value="dnaUser" />
        <add key="Password" value="dnaUser" />
        <add key="integrityCheck" value="yes"/>
        <add key="purgeTime" value="1000000" />
        <add key="timeFormat" value="M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss" />
        <add key="timeTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.time"/>
        <add key="pointTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.point"/>
        <add key="functionTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.functionStr"/>
        <add key="userTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.operatorName"/>
        <add key="workOrderTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.workOrder"/>
        <add key="descriptionTopic" value="es.realtime.db.tag.|*|.description"/>
        <add key="child" value="Miner.Smartgrid.Producers.DNATagStartupProducer, Miner.Smartgrid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc"/>
  3. In the Host value attributes, enter the name of your OASyS server.
  4. In the User and Password value attributes, enter the user name and password set when you created the dnaUser on the OASyS server.
  5. Look for the following XML:
    Copy Code
        <add key="connection" value="Data Source=Geodatabase;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"/>
        <add key="driverAssembly" value="System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, System.Data.OracleClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>
        <add key="MsgRootKey" value="MSG_ROOT"/>
        <add key="TagOriginKey" value="TAG_ORIGIN"/>
        <add key="OwnerOriginKey" value="OWNER_ORIGIN"/>
        <add key="TagRelatedKey" value="TAG_RELATED"/>
        <add key="OwnerRelatedKey" value="OWNER_RELATED"/>
        <add key="AcronymKey" value="ACRONYM"/>

If you're configuring to use a SQL database, the XML would look like the following example.

Copy Code
    <add key="connection" value="Data Source=GDB Name;InitialCatalog=SMARTGRID;User ID=SMARTGRID;Password=SMARTGRID"/>    <add key="driverAssembly" value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection,System.Data, Version=,      Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/>    <add key="MsgRootKey" value="MSG_ROOT"/>
    <add key="TagOriginKey" value="TAG_ORIGIN"/>
    <add key="OwnerOriginKey" value="OWNER_ORIGIN"/>
    <add key="TagRelatedKey" value="TAG_RELATED"/>
    <add key="OwnerRelatedKey" value="OWNER_RELATED"/>
    <add key="AcronymKey" value="ACRONYM"/>
  1. In the Data Source attribute, enter the name of the geodatabase that contains the Smart Grid tables.
  2. In the User ID and Password attributes, enter the user name and password for the owner of the Smart Grid tables. If you're configuring a SQL database set the InitialCatalog value to the name of the database.
  3. Save and close Miner.Smartgrid.ListenerService.exe.config.

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