Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Troubleshooting: Opening Connection Failed while running diagnostics on the Responder Server

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

Problem: The DataServices.exe.config file has at least one incorrect configuration setting related to the Responder database connection.


Fix: Identify and correct the faulty configuration setting. The line following the connection error may contain an exception that provides a clue as to which setting is incorrect. The exception in the example above may lead the user to a problem with the connection settings for a SQL server.

  1. Open DataServices.exe.config file installed at: Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.

  2. Scroll to the server configuration settings and look for the settings inside the <database> tags.

  3. Review the data source, id, and password located within the <connectionString> tags and make necessary changes.



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