Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Save Simulated Load Points

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

The Switching Order Editor has a tab called Affected. On this Affected tab, the Calculate button calculates the number of customers impacted by the switching order. This tab also includes the Save Affected Customers  button that saves the Switching Order ID, OID and FCID for the affected load points to the RX_SIMULATED_SO_LOADPOINTS table in the geodatabase.

The Save Affected Customers tool is displayed only if the user has the Save Switching Simulation permission assigned to one of their roles. By default, this permission is assigned to the Dispatcher role.

Remove the Save Tool: You can either remove the Dispatcher role (or the role to which the Save Switching Simulation permission is assigned) from the user in the Responder web browser (Administration > Roles), or you can remove the Save Switching Simulation permission from the role. If the Save Affected Customers tool is not displayed, the calculated load points for a switching order will never be saved to the geodatabase.

Display the Save Tool: Ensure the user has a role that contains the Save Simulation permission.


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