Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Time Period

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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This optional configuration allows you to determine how default dates are displayed on User Input windows in Archive Explorer. For example, the input window for the Incidents by Date Range query (shown below), displays by default today's date in the Max. Time of Outage field. Because it has been configured to show month-to-date, the Min. Time of Outage field defaults to the first day of the current month.

The default setting is Month-to-Date (MTD). So the Minimum Outage Time will always be the first day of the current month. You can change this setting to be Year-to-Date or any number of other settings as described below. This configuration setting is in ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml and can be applied to a number of queries and filters in Archive Explorer. These are also described below.

  1. Open ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML. This will appear in multiple places through the ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml file.
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           <b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="MTD" />
  3. Replace the "MTD" value with the value that corresponds to how you want dates displayed. All possible values are described below.
    • WTD: Week-to-date; starting at the first day of the current week.
    • MTD: Month-to-date; starting at the first day of the current month.
    • QTD: Quater-to-date; starting at the first day of the current quarter (calendar year).
    • HTD: Half-year-to-date; starting at the first day of the first month of the current year (calendar year).
    • YTD: Year-to-date; starting at the first day of the first month of the current year (calendar year).
    • L7: Last seven days, including the current day.
    • L30: Last thirty days, including the current day.
    • L90: Last ninety days, including the current day.
    • L180: Last 180 days, including the current day.
    • LYEAR: Last year, including the current day.
  4. You can set this value on all queries in Archive Explorer. In the XML, they are broken into several main groups or QueryPackages.
    • IncidentArchiveQueries: This is the Query field on the Incidents tab. Each query in this field has a corresponding QueryClass in the XML. Change the TimePeriod property for each query.
    • TagArchiveQueries: This is the Query field on the Tags and Grounds tab. This query field contains only one query. You may change the TimePeriod property for it.
    • ArchiveReports: This section is for all of the reports on the Reports tab. Each report on this tab has a corresponding QueryClass in the XML (assuming it has a date input). Change the TimePeriod property for each report.
    • BuildIncidentArchiveQueries: This refers to the Build Archive from History button. This tool offers two options to generate archive data. The BuildIncidentArchiveQueries section impacts the Incidents by Date Range tool.
    • BuildTagArchiveQueries: This refers to the Build Archive from History button. This tool offers two options to generate archive data. The BuildTagArchiveQueries section impacts the Tags by Date Range tool.
    • UpgradeIncidentArchiveQueries: This refers to an Upgrade tool for Archive Explorer that upgrades the Archive tables when you're upgrading Responder to 9.2 or greater.
  5. When you're finished, save and close ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml.

Here's an example. An administrator wants to set the default date range for the Critical Incidents report to be year-to-date. Currently it is set to month-to-date.

The Administrator closes Archive Explorer, opens ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml and locates the following XML:


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<QueryPackage Key="ArchiveReports">
        <QueryClasses Key="">
                <QueryClass Key="CriticalIncidents" Caption="Critical Incidents">
                                <b:Property Key="Description" Value="A tabular report of critical incidents." />
                                <b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="MTD" />
                                <b:Property Key="TableName" Value="IncidentsArchive" />
                                <b:Property Key="ColumnName" Value="CriticalCustomer" />
                                <b:Property Key="ColumnValue" Value="Yes" />
                                <b:Property Key="XSLPath" Value="%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Miner and Miner\Responder\IncidentsByAttribute.xslt" />

Note in the above example that the QueryPackage is ArchiveReports, which refers to the Reports tab in Archive Explorer. The QueryClass key value is CriticalIncidents, which refers to the Critical Incidents report. The default TimePeriod property is MTD. If the Administrator wants to default this date range to year-to-date, she'll change this property to YTD.


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<b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="YTD" />

After saving and closing ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml, the Administrator may open Archive Explorer, select the Critical Customers report and see the new date range in the User Inputs window.


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