Smart Grid Applications Overview > Responder Overview > Optional Functionality > Archive Explorer > Report Criteria > Sort By |
Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1 |
You can change the sort settings for the following reports:
To select which column to sort by in these reports:
<QueryClass Key="SaidiByCauseCode" Caption="Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code" Category="Browser">
<b:Property Key="Description" Value="A tabular report of SAIDI by Cause Code." />
<b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="MTD" />
<b:Property Key="Tmi" Value="5" />
<!--<b:Property Key="IncidentCauseCodesToExclude" Value="6,10" />
<b:Property Key="ExcludeZeroSaidi" Value="true" />-->
<b:Property Key="IncludeMajorEventDays" Value="true" />
<b:Property Key="SortBy" Value="SAIDI" />
The above XML indicates the Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code report sorts by the SAIDI column. Change the Value attribute for the SortBy property to select the appropriate sorting column.