Configuring Responder/Smart Grid

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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You can change which causes to total for the Planned column of the Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code - Summary report by editing the Value attribute of the report's Planned property.

To change which causes to include:

  1. Open ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml. By default, this file is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following XML.
    <QueryClass Key="SaidiByCauseCodeSummary" Caption="Reliability Indices: SAIDI by Cause Code - Summary" Category="Browser">
              <b:Property Key="Description" Value="A summary report of SAIDI by Cause Code." />
              <b:Property Key="TimePeriod" Value="MTD" />
              <b:Property Key="Tmi" Value="5" />
              <b:Property Key="PowerSupply" Value="1" />
              <b:Property Key="Planned" Value="6, 100, 110, 190" />

    The above XML indicates which incidents (by cause) are included in this report from the CAUSE_RUS domain. By default Planned Outages (6), Construction (100), Maintenance (110), and Other Planned (190) are included in this report.

  1. Modify the Value parameter of the Planned property to include only the types of outages to include in this report. To identify the numerical values that correspond to each cause, advance to step 4.
  2. The CAUSE_RUS domain is defined in ArchiveSchemaConfig.xml. Open this file. By default, it is installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  3. Look for the following XML:  

Domain Name="CAUSE_RUS" xsi:type="CodedDomainConfig" DataType="Int32" SortedBy="ListedOrder">
  <DomainPair Value="0" Description="&lt;Unknown&gt;" />
  <DomainPair Value="6" Description="Planned Outage" />
  <DomainPair Value="10" Description="Non-Outage" />
  <DomainPair Value="1" Description="000 - Power Supply" />
  <DomainPair Value="100" Description="100 - Construction" />
  <DomainPair Value="110" Description="110 - Maintenance" />
  <DomainPair Value="190" Description="190 - Other Planned" />
  <DomainPair Value="300" Description="300 - Material or Equipment Fault/Failure" />

  1. Use the Value parameter in the CAUSE_RUS domain (ArchiveSchemaConfig.xml) to identify the types of incidents to include in this report. Enter these values in the XML displayed in step 2 (ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml).
  2. Repeat these steps for the same report with a Category attribute of Excel.
  3. Save and close ArchiveQueriesConfig.xml. There is no need to edit ArchiveSchemaConfig.xml for this configuration.
  4. Close and reopen Responder Archive Explorer to view the updated changes.

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