Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Set Up Regions in ArcMap

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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This section describes how to prepare your map to use the Region polygon feature class created during configuration. The Regions functionality allows you to place regions on the map, then group them into one or two groups (parent regions).

In ArcMap, draw the regions editing the geodatabase and placing polygons that represent the smallest regions. If regions overlap, customers are assigned to the first region found (a customer may be assigned to only one region). If a region does not cover an area in the service territory, that area is considered an "unknown" region.

Once you have placed a region, select it and edit its RegionName field to be a unique name (e.g., A, B, C, D).

To create parent regions, simply enter the name of the parent region in one of the ParentRegion fields. These values are case-sensitive. If you enter North on one region polygon and north in a second region polygon, you will see two regions: North and north. Parent regions are grouped first by model name (RXREGIONPARENT1, RXREGIONPARENT2), then by the value entered in the field. So, a value of North entered in the ParentRegion1 field for one feature and in the ParentRegion2 field for another feature will not be grouped together.

RegionName and ParentRegion fields are case-sensitive.

Once you have your regions placed on the map, you may want to format their symbology in order to view the various regions and region groups you've created.

  1. The Region feature class already exists in your map. Use the Add Data button to add another Region layer for each parent region you've created.

    You will modify the symbology for each layer to show either the individual regions or the parent region groups. This way the user can turn layers on/off in the Source tab to view separate regions or parent region groups.

  2. Right-click the original Region feature layer and select Properties. It will be the lowest on the list on the Source tab.
  3. Select the Symbology tab and click Categories on the left side of the window. Under Categories, select Unique values.
  4. Ensure the Value Field reflects the correct field. Enter the field based on the region information to display with the layer:
    • Individual Regions: Select the field to which the REGIONNAME model name was assigned (e.g., RegionName)
    • ParentRegion1: Select the field to which the RXREGIONPARENT1 model name was assigned (e.g., ParentRegion1)
    • ParentRegion2: Select the field to which the RXREGIONPARENT2 model name was assigned (e.g., ParentRegion2)
  5. Click the Add All Values button. This populates the window with all unique values in the field selected in the previous step. You may double-click the symbology next to each value and edit it.
  6. Click Apply to save changes.
  7. To display labels for the region, use the Labels tab to format them.
  8. Click OK to save changes and dismiss the Properties window.
  9. Perform steps 2-8 for the remaining Region feature layers added in step 1. You may right-click the layer on the Source tab and rename it to reflect the region group name.

The Region layer is displayed.

The Region and ParentRegion1 layers are displayed.

Once you've finished setting up regions in ArcMap, perform the following two steps:

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