Configuration of this service is not required, but it may improve the performance of your Data Services, especially if you have a large number of users. Follow the steps below to configure the Query Windows Service.
The Query Windows Service may reside on any server, but it does require installation (though not execution) of Responder Server. The Responder business services (e.g., Data Services, Prediction Services, etc.) do NOT need to be running on the same machine as the Query Windows Service, although they can be.
We recommend using direct connections to the database. Refer to Esri's ArcGIS for Desktop help for information about setting up direct connections.
- Open Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files(x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
- Look for the following bit of XML:
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<channel ref="msmq" isServer="false" ComputerName="ServerName" />
<channel ref="tcp" port="2063" />
- The ComputerName attribute points to the Responder server. Change "ServerName" to the name of your Responder server. This attribute does not accept "." as a valid value indicating the local server. You must enter the server name.
- Look for the next lines of XML. In this step you will enter connection information for your database.
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<configuration name="marshall">
<connectionString>Data Source=orcb.marshall;User ID=responder;Password=responder</connectionString>
<providerFactoryClass type="Miner.Data.Access.ProviderFactories.OracleProviderFactory, Miner.Data.Access" />
<syntaxClass type="Miner.Data.Access.OracleDataSyntax, Miner.Data.Access" />
- You will set up a <configuration> section for each database to connect to. You will need to modify the following attributes:
- configuration name: This is a unique name that identifies this specific connection.
- connectionstring: This is the connection information to the Responder server. Enter the server name, user and password necessary to connect to it.
![](images/hs-tip.gif) |
Min Pool Size: This optional attribute in the connection string sets the minimum number of pooled database connections. When the number of pooled connections exceeds the Min Pool Size setting any idle connections will be disconnected without falling below that Min Pool Size threshold. Recommended Min Pool Size setting for Query Services: 0
- schemaConfigurationFile: Ensure the path to DatabaseSchemaConfig.xml is correct. The path automatically should be set correctly during installation. By default, the DatabaseSchemaConfig.xml file is installed in the same directory as the Query Windows Service configuration file.
- geodatabase: The <geodatabase> section contains connection information to the server that hosts the geodatabase. We recommend using direct connections to the database. Include the server name and instance. If you're using a SQLServer, enter the database name. Also include the user name and password to login as well as the version, dataset and network.
- You can set up additional connections to different database servers. Just copy the XML from step 4 and modify it for another server.
- Next, identify the connection to enable. Look for the following XML:
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<miner.responder.server.configuration default="ConfigurationName">
- Set the name attribute to match the configuration name to enable.
- Save and close Miner.Responder.QueryWindowsService.exe.config