Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Pipeline Rules

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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Network Adapter uses pipeline rules to export objects from the geodatabase. This page describes the pipeline rules applied to the data as it is exported from the geodatabase and placed into an XML document that is validated before it can be imported into a third-party analysis tool such as DMS.

The pipeline rules in the table below are listed in the order in which they are executed. Network Adapter first starts with the last rule (Send to DMS) and initializes all of the rules up the list. Then it executes the first rule (Electric Trace). Each pipeline rule (except the first) has a ChildName attribute. This attribute refers to the rule that provided its input. If any rule encounters an error during initialization or execution, the export is halted.

For example, the Features rule has a ChildName value of Electric Trace. This means that the Electric Trace rule provided the ElectricInfo object on which the Features pipeline rule will execute.

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<add name="Electric Trace" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.TraceFeeders, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" />
<add name="Features" ChildName="Electric Trace" type="Miner.Geodatabase.Integration.Electric.GetFeatures, Miner.Geodatabase, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=196beceb052ed5dc" /> 

The following table describes each pipeline rule and its input/output. The input of each rule is the output of the rule before it.  


Pipeline Rule Description Input Output

Electric Trace

This pipeline rule performs a trace from source features in the geodatabase and creates an ElectricInfo object that contains an object for each network edge and junction returned in the trace.


ElectricInfo object


This pipeline rule takes the ElectricInfo object from the previous rule and adds attributes and geometry to the network data structure. Added attributes are determined by configuration.

ElectricInfo object

ElectricInfo object


This rule adds related objects to the ElectricInfo object. Network Adapter must be configured to export relationship information in order for this rule to add the related objects. If Network Adapter is not configured to export relationship information, the pipeline rule passes the ElectricInfo object to the next rule without making any changes.

ElectricInfo object

ElectricInfo object

Validate Voltage

This pipeline rule uses its own logic (rather than QA validation rules) to verify that voltages are consistent across the network. It ensures that the highside and lowside voltages on transformers match the respective attached conductors. It also verifies that voltage changes occur only at transformers. This rule reports data inconsistencies. It does not alter the contents of the ElectricInfo object.

ElectricInfo object

ElectricInfo object

Validate Phase

This pipeline rule ensures that phasing remains consistent in features across the network. For example, a B-phase conductor cannot be connected to a C-phase transformer. This rule also validates phasing on related objects. This rule reports data inconsistencies. It does not alter the contents of the ElectricInfo object.

ElectricInfo object

ElectricInfo object


This pipeline rule takes the validated ElectricInfo object and writes it out as a generic Network Adapter XML.

ElectricInfo object

XML Document

Remove Namespace

This pipeline rule removes the Network Adapter namespace from the XML document and replaces it with the default namespace.

XML Document

XML Document

MultiSpeak Transformation

This rule takes the Network Adapter XML and transforms it into a MultiSpeak XML using a style sheet (NetAdapterMsp_DMS.xsl or NetAdapterElecDistToMsp_DMS.xsl). This pipeline rule has several parameters:


When this value is set to False, Network Adapter exports a ScadaPoint with the same phase as the bank feature. For example, if the bank operates on phase ABC, Network Adapter exports a single ScadaPoint for phase ABC. Default = false.

If the AllowPhasedScadaControls parameter is set to True, an single SCADA point is exported for each phase. For example, if an ABC switch is exported it will result in three SCADA points (one for each phase). The exception to the True setting is when the field with the FDRMGRGANGOPERATED model name is set to Yes. In this case, there will still be a single ScadaPoint for all of the feature's operational phases (as if the AllowPhasedScadaControls value were set to False).

Split Units

The Split Units parameters are optional and not included in the XML by default. Refer to the Splitting Units page for information on how units are split.

When these parameters are set to "false", then a single three-phase unit is exported as a single three-phase unit in the XML. If set to "true", the units for that feature (Transformer, Breaker, Recloser, Sectionalizer, Fuse, Switch) are split and exported as single phase units in the XML. For example, a three-phase unit is depicted in the XML as three single-phase units. Default = false (not included in XML).

Below is a list of available split unit parameters:







Below is sample XML. This is NOT included in the configuration file by default.

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<add name="SplitFuseUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>
<add name="SplitSwitchUnits" ParameterValue="true"/>

XML Document

XML Document

Remove Substation Internals

This pipeline rule removes from the XML all features that reside within a substation and are not connected to any network features outside the substation.

XML Document

XML Document


This pipeline rule ensures that the source feature on the feeder is the first feature listed after the substation in the XML document.

XML Document

XML Document

DMS Adjustments

This pipeline rule converts Voltage Regulator features to Transformers with Tap Changers.

XML Document

XML Document

Set Unknown to Open

If any Status fields have a value of Unknown, this pipeline rule defaults the value to Open. DMS does not accept unknown switching positions.

XML Document

XML Document

Save File

This pipeline rule writes the XML to a file on the local disk (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Miner and Miner\Network Adapter\Export_<FeederName>.xml ).

XML Document

XML Document

The Enable Pipeline Rules page discusses how to implement the following three pipeline rules.


Optional. This rule is required by the OASyS real-time integration. It retrieves SCADA IDs from the XML exported by Network Adapter and maps them to OASyS features in the Smart Grid mapping tables. This rule is commented out by default.

XML Document

XML Document


Optional. This rule is required by the DMS real-time integration. It looks in the XML exported by Network Adapter for any features that do NOT have SCADA IDs and maps them to DMS features in the Smart Grid mapping tables. This rule is commented out by default.

The units for any banked feature (Transformer, Breaker, Recloser, Sectionalizer, Fuse, Switch) are split and exported as single phase units in the mapping tables. For example, a three-phase unit is depicted in the mapping tables as three single-phase units.

To indicate which switchable devices should be included in the mapping tables, use the <DMSSwitchableMultiSpeakUnits> tag. Include an <add> tag for each switchable device.

Below is sample XML. This sample also reflects the default setting in NetworkAdapter.exe.config.

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    <add name="breaker" />
    <add name="recloser" />
    <add name="sectionalizer" />
    <add name="fuse" />
    <add name="switch" />
    <add name="transformer" />

XML Document

XML Document

Send to DMS

Optional. This rule sends data exported by Network Adapter directly to DMS. Enable it (by removing the comment marks) to ONLY to send exported feeders directly to DMS. This rule is commented out by default.

DMS does not automatically update its live network with these changes. Use DMS's Model Manager (refer to DMS documentation for information).

XML Document

XML Document


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