Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Notify Network Change

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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The Notify Network Change  tool keeps the data in the geodatabase current with Responder. When Responder loads the geometric network at start-up, it caches the network for better performance. This tool allows you to reload the geometric network. Refresh the version in ArcMap to view the latest information.

This tool may also be automated using the standalone executable version installed with Responder. This tool - run from a command prompt - is installed by default here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server\Tools\NetworkRefresh.exe. Copy NetworkRefresh.exe into the Responder\Server directory before using it.

NetworkRefresh.exe requires you to specify the MSMQ machine necessary to communicate with Data Services. There are two ways to do this.




Additional Parameters


Use this parameter to specify a port number on the group. For example:

NetworkRefresh.exe -group: -port:8005


This parameter is necessary if you have multiple network interfaces (including virtual interfaces). Use this parameter to specify the network interface MSMQ should use. For example:

NetworkRefresh.exe -group: -intf:


You can start the options with a dash (-) as shown or a forward slash (/). Options are separated by a colon (:) as shown or an equal sign (=).

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