Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Notify Call Reprocess on Restore

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

Resource Center Home

You can configure Responder Explorer to display a notification when you restore an incident at a time earlier than that of the outage time on calls associated with that incident. To enable the notification: 

  1. Configure the Responder Data Services configuration file (Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config) for any server machine that accesses Responder. This file is located in the Miner and Miner\Responder\Server folder. You may edit the file by opening it in an XML application (such as XML Spy) or by opening it in a simple text editing program (such as Notepad).

    Do not edit XML files using a word processing program such as WordPad or Microsoft Word as it may corrupt your configuration file.

  2. On the server machine, browse to and open Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config.
  3. Look for the following XML:
    Copy Code
    <add key="NotifyCallReprocessOnRestore" value="false" />
  4. Set the value is to true.
  5. Save and close Miner.Responder.DataServices.exe.config. You may need to restart services to see this change.

    When you receive the notification, you can do one of two things:

    • Reprocess: Calls that have a time of outage later than the chosen time of restoration are resubumitted to be processed by Prediction services.
    • Close: Calls are closed with the outage time being updated to match their associated loadpoints, and they will be restored along with the incident.

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