Network Adapter > Network Adapter for DMS v3 (CIM) > Mapping XML > Post-Processing Rules |
Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1 |
After the initial transformation from GIS to CIM objects and before generating the CIM XML, an export can perform additional operations on the network model. These operations are called post processing rules. A tag in mapping configuration identifies each post processing rule performed.
<postProcessing rule="AddToContainer" /> <postProcessing rule="CreateUpstreamNodes" /> <postProcessing rule="RenameTerminals" />
The export executes post processing rules in the order in which they appear in the configuration.
Following the transformation to CIM specified in the mapping configuration, this operation finds an EquipmentContainer object unrelated to any Equipment objects in the resulting CIM network, and it relates the EquipmentContainer to all Equipment objects in the network model. In the feeder export, the empty EquipmentContainer is a CIM Circuit object. AddContainer is required in all mapping XMLs for feeder exports from ArcFM and must precede CreateUpstreamNodes.
This operator adds upstream ConnectivityNodes for ConductingEquipment with two Terminals in the CIM corresponding to junction features in the ArcFM model. CreateUpstreamNodes is required in all mapping XMLs for export from ArcFM and must follow AddToContainer.
This rule does not support ConductingEquipment with more than two Terminals, such as three winding transformers.
This rule defines the unique ID of terminals in terms of the connectivity. Terminal naming is based only on connected object IDs, so the resulting unique IDs are agnostic to electric flow direction or digitization direction of network features.
For each terminal, this rule renames the unique ID to the concatenation of the terminal’s parent conducting equipment ID and the terminal’s connectivity node ID.