Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Mapping Operators

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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A property of an object in the CIM may be a function of many attributes of many related objects the GIS model. The transformation of the GIS model to the CIM employs operators to compute these functions and may combine results of these operators in functional expressions. This section describes mapping operators provided with Network Adapter.

Note that a mapping operator can be implemented with attributes to the CIMProperty operator to reduce the number of lines in the mapping XML. In this case, the mapping operator is defined with the “rule” attribute. In the following example, the Scale operator is applied to the value of RatedKva with a scale value of 1000.

<cimProperty name="cim:TransformerWinding.ratedS" rule="Scale" scale="1000">
    <sourceField name="RatedKva" useDomain="false" />

More information about the Scale operator is provided below.

Common Mapping Attributes

The following are common attributes shared by multiple mapping operators.

useDomain: In an ArcGIS data source, the value of a field may have a related value through a coded value domain. If a field has a coded value domain, the value of the field corresponds to a description recorded elsewhere. By default, the sourceField operator returns this description rather than the value itself; however, the configuration can specify using the value of the field itself with the useDomain attribute.

In the following example, the configuration exports the numeric value for RatedKva to TransformerWinding.ratedS, rather than using the description of the domain value.

 <cimProperty name="cim:TransformerWinding.ratedS">
  <sourceField name="RatedKva" useDomain="false" />

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators yield a Boolean value (either true or false). These operators often appear in expressions governing optional transformations in the mapping configuration (see Optional Mapping). Boolean operators can also yield CIM property values where a property has a Boolean valued.

Artihmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators permit the CIM transformation to derive a CIM property from many properties of many related objects in the data source using simple arithmetic expressions.

String Operators

String operators permit the CIM transformation to derive a CIM property from many properties of many related objects in the data source using simple string expressions.

Other Operators

The following operators support common mapping requirements.

ArcFM Operators

The following specialized operators aid transformation to the CIM from an ArcFM source.

Value Mapping

The Map operator returns the value from a property value map defined in the mapping configuration file corresponding to the value of its argument. This section describes the configuration of value maps.

The Maps section of the configuration file lists all value maps available to the Map operator during the transformation to CIM. For example, the NumberOfPhases identifies the number of phases associated with each value for phase designation.

  <Map tagReference="NumberOfPhases">
   <map domain="1" range="1"/>
   <map domain="2" range="1"/>
   <map domain="3" range="2"/>
   <map domain="4" range="1"/>
   <map domain="5" range="2"/>
   <map domain="6" range="2"/>
   <map domain="7" range="3"/>
   <default range="3" />

If the Map operator finds no value in the domain of a map corresponding to the value of its argument, the operator returns the default value. If no default value exists, the Map operator returns the value of its argument and reports an error.

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