Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Modify Field Labels

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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Modify Field Labels

You may modify the field labels displayed in Responder Explorer using the DatabaseSchemaConfig.xml file. This modification affects the field label in the grid (Figures 1-2) and on any forms on which the field appears.

In the example below, the Status field in the RX_INCIDENTS table was modified from "Status" (Figure 1), to "Incident Status" (Figure 2). To do this, simply modify the Caption attribute on the column with the name of "Status." In this case we edited the Status field on the RX_Incidents table.


Figure 1


Figure 2

XML for Figure 1
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<Table Name="RX_INCIDENTS" Caption="Incidents" RowCaption="Incident [ID]" Adapter="Miner.Responder.Framework.BusinessObjects.Incident, Miner.Responder.Framework" Represents="Incidents">
          <Column Name="ID" Caption="ID" Represents="ID" IsPrimaryKey="true" Sequence="RX_INCIDENTS_ID_SEQ" MobileField="enabled"/>
          <Column Name="STATUS" Caption="Status" DefaultValue="0" Domain="INCIDENT_STATUS" Represents="Status" MobileField="enabled"/>


XML for Figure 2
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<Table Name="RX_INCIDENTS" Caption="Incidents" RowCaption="Incident [ID]" Adapter="Miner.Responder.Framework.BusinessObjects.Incident, Miner.Responder.Framework" Represents="Incidents">
          <Column Name="ID" Caption="ID" Represents="ID" IsPrimaryKey="true" Sequence="RX_INCIDENTS_ID_SEQ" MobileField="enabled"/>
          <Column Name="STATUS" Caption="Incident Status" DefaultValue="0" Domain="INCIDENT_STATUS" Represents="Status" MobileField="enabled"/>

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