Configuring Responder/Smart Grid
Responder - Set Up GlobalID Support

Version: 10.2 and 10.2.1

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*The configuration discussed on this page may also be used by Smart Operations Solution (SOS) to improve performance when transferring data between Responder, OASyS, and DMS.

Responder provides the RX_GLOBALID_XREF table in order to support GlobalIDs. The RX_GLOBALID_XREF table provides a cross reference between the FCID/OID used by Responder to identify features and the GlobalID (GUID) used by Esri Replication. This table contains the following fields:

Create RX_GLOBALID_XREF: You will need to create the RX_GLOBALID_XREF table using the scripts provided with Responder. By default, these scripts are installed here: \Program Files (x86)\Miner and Miner\Responder\Developer Resources\Implementation Scripts\[Oracle or MS-SQL]\Addons. Run Replication_mssql.sql or Replication_Oracle.sql to create the RX_GLOBALID_XREF table.

When configured properly, Responder populates the first three fields for all features impacted by an incident. The FCID_Actual and OID_Actual fields will be utilized by future functionality.

This configuration is completed on the Responder server machine and must be completed before the first replication that includes schema-breaking changes. It should not need to be done a second time.

In order to configure Responder to support GlobalIDs, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the SubmitRulesConfig.xml file with any application that views XML. By default, this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  2. Look for the following bit of XML:
Sample XML
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        <!-- BEGIN Global ID rules -->
        <!--<b:RuleClass Key="" Type="Miner.Responder.Processors.SubmitRules.Pre.InsertInitialGlobalId,
        <!-- END Global ID rules -->
  1. The above line of XML is commented out in SubmitRulesConfig.xml. Remove comment tags (<!-- and -->) to uncomment it out and enable the submit rule. This submit rule will populate the first three fields in the RX_GLOBALID_XREF table whenever an incident is created in Responder.
  2. Save and close SubmitRulesConfig.xml.
  3. This step is not necessary if you are performing a new Responder installation. Open Miner.Responder.ReplicationInitializer.exe.config. By default this file is installed here: \Program Files\Miner and Miner\Responder\Server.
  4. Look for the <connectionStrings> tag.
Sample XML
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  <!--Below are examples of how to configure the Replication Initializer with Oracle-->
   <!--<add name="Active" connectionString="Data Source=activeDatasource;User ID=activeUserId;Password=activePassword" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" />
   <add name="Archive" connectionString="Data Source=archiveDatasource;User ID=archiveUserId;Password=archivePassword" providerName="System.Data.OracleClient" />-->
  <!--Below are examples of how to configure the Replication Initializer with SQL Server-->
   <!--<add name="Active" connectionString="Data Source=activeDatasource;Initial Catalog=rxCatalog;User ID=activeUserId;Password=activePassword" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
   <add name="Archive" connectionString="Data Source=archiveDatasource;Initial Catalog=rxArchiveCatalog;User ID=archiveUserId;Password=archivePassword" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />-->
  1. Determine whether you'll be using an Oracle or SQL connection. Remove the comment marks (<!-- and -->) for the appropriate section.
  2. Enter the connection information (connectionString attribute) for the Responder server and the Archive server.
  3. Toward the bottom of this file look for the following bit of XML.
Sample XML
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        <channel ref="msmq" isServer="false" ComputerName="ServerName"/>
        <channel ref="tcp" port="2063"/>
  1. Replace ServerName (shown in the example above) with the name of your Responder server. This value can be "." if the Responder server is local.
  2. Save and close Miner.Responder.ReplicationInitializer.exe.config.
  3. Execute Miner.Responder.ReplicationInitializer.exe. This populates the first three fields in the RX_GLOBALID_XREF table (FCID, OID, GlobalID) with values for existing features in the Responder database. After this tool has been executed, the submit rule (steps 1-4) will automatically populate this table (the first three fields only) for all features associated with any new incidents. It is good practice to execute this tool right before a full replication (one that includes schema-breaking changes).

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